A Week From Iowa, Trump at 41%

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 26, 2016

I remember just a mere few months ago, I was sitting around thinking “I hope Trump polls high enough to be in the debates, it will be hilarious.”

My, how times have changed.


Donald Trump has hit a new high in the race for the Republican nomination, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll, with more than 4-in-10 Republican voters nationwide now saying they back the billionaire.

And more than two-thirds of Republicans say he’s the candidate most likely to capture their party’s presidential nomination.

Trump has topped the 40% mark for the first time in CNN/ORC polling, standing at 41%. That more than doubles the support of his nearest competitor, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who notches 19% support in the poll. No other candidate hit double-digits. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio landed at 8%, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson at 6%, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush at 5%, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie at 4%, and the rest at 3% or less.

Trump’s supporters are more likely than those backing other candidates to say that they’ve definitely made up their mind (70% of Trump’s supporters say they are locked in compared with 40% who back other candidates).

And the prospect of a Trump candidacy generates more enthusiasm overall (40% of Republican voters say they would be enthusiastic about a Trump nomination) than the possibility of Cruz (25% enthusiastic) or Rubio (18% enthusiastic) at the head of the ticket.

There is nothing that can stop this Train now.

Presumably, in the next few days, the Jews are going to ramp-up some sex scandal material, but at this point it will just look like a last-ditch effort by a slimy bunch of rats to stump the Unstumpable One.

And he can beat Hillary or Bernie, without any issue whatsoever.

It is actually looking like Donald Trump will be the next President of America. Hillary is technically still on top of the betting odds, but Trump is gaining ground there as well and after Iowa and New Hampshire he’s going to make a huge jump (especially as Hillary is going to lose New Hampshire).

Exciting times, brothers.