Daily Stormer
May 3, 2015
Jews are in many ways exactly like women. If you allow them a victory and give them control, they will never stop until they have completely destroyed you.
They simply will not stop.
One year ago this weekend, the news broke that Rialto Unified asked its 2,000 eighth-graders to do an in-class assignment on whether or not the Holocaust occurred, with a print-out from a Holocaust denial website as one of three “credible sources” provided on the subject.
Twelve months later, not everyone believes the district has done enough, either to repair the damage done or to prevent something like it happening again.
“I think that it was a noble effort that they took all those kids to the Museum of Tolerance,” and that students read a book by Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, said Hillel Schrier, a teacher at Rialto Unified’s Jehue Middle School and an Orthodox Jew. “But the question remains: What does the future hold?”
School board President Edgar Montes sees a bright future ahead for his district.
In an email, Montes said he believes Rialto Unified has “emerged from this terrible experience” of the Holocaust writing assignment “with a new sense of purpose that understands the importance of producing good citizens.”
An estimated 11 million people died in the Holocaust, including 6 million Jews, who were explicitly targeted for extermination in Nazi Germany’s “Final Solution.”
Although the district initially said they had no evidence that any students had denied the Holocaust occurred, when copies of the student essays were obtained by the Los Angeles News Group via the California Public Records Act, it turned out that dozens of Rialto Unified students had denied the Holocaust was real. Some of them received high marks on essays that denied the Holocaust occurred. Other students, who had sought out other sources of information on the subject, were penalized for having done so.
Condemnation, local, national and international, was swift and nearly unanimous. School board members and district officials described the assignment as a huge mistake and, in the weeks after the essays themselves became public, formed a committee to repair the damage done by the assignment. The district also began to more fully comply with requests under the CPRA, and a partial picture emerged of the still-anonymous Rialto Unified teachers crafting the assignment in a leadership vacuum. (Death threats made to district employees after the news broke have led to the district saying they will never reveal which eighth-grade teachers created the assignment.)
In December, some of the now-ninth-graders read from new essays they had written, based on Wiesel’s book “Night,” which all ninth-graders had been required to read.
The Holocaust essay assignment was, in theory, related to the reading of a dramatization of “The Diary of Anne Frank” that many eighth-graders read in class. This school year, eighth-grade teachers had the option to teach “The Diary of Anne Frank,” or portions of it, as a supplement to the lesson plan, but the work itself was not a requirement, according to Ed D’Souza, associate superintendent of secondary instruction for the district.
District officials have said an investigation into the assignment has been completed and that disciplinary measures taken, but citing both employee confidentiality and safety concerns, have never said more — not even how many teachers were involved.
“I cannot talk about any individuals,” Montes said in his email, “but as I said before all our teachers want the very best for their students. I believe the safeguards and careful scrutiny that we have developed regarding such assignments will protect our students and ensure a healthy and meaningful challenge for our students at our school district.”
Cooper says that’s not enough.
“Who did this and why? Do we still have anti-Semites or bigots teaching in that system, making pedagogical decisions for the district?” Cooper said. “It became pretty clear, pretty quickly, that once the glare of publicity faded, that they weren’t going to (explain).”
“But we did exactly as you asked, Mr. Jew! Can’t you please let us go?”
“Hahahhahahah – never!”