Aaaaaaaaaaaand It’s Moslems

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 30, 2017

All the weed in the world can’t save you from Islamic jihad.

I have never felt bad for shitlibs in my life. But if ever I approached feeling bad for them, it was today.

Can you imagine the joy they felt when they heard a mosque got shot up? Finally, they said, finally we’ve been proven correct: any attempt to control immigration results in whites going on murder rampages.

They even literally blamed poor old Matt Forney and David Aurini for it.

This is what every single liberal on the planet pictures in their head when they hear about a mass shooting.

But alas.

Their world quickly came crashing down.

Fox News:

One of two gunmen who shouted ‘Allahu akbar!’ as they opened fire at a mosque in Quebec City was of Moroccan origin, a witness and local media reported Monday, revealing the first details about the attackers in the massacre that killed six men.

The terror suspects were identified as Mohamed Khadir and Alexandre Bissonnette, the Canadian TV network TVA Nouvelles reported. They were arrested soon after the shooting at the Quebec Islamic Cultural Centre Sunday night and were expected to appear in court later Monday, police told reporters.

One of the gunmen actually turned himself in, calling 911 less than 20 minutes later and giving officers his location in d’Orleans so they could arrest him, police said. The attack unfolded in the men’s section of the mosque.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau condemned the attack, calling it a “terrorist attack on Muslims.”
The attackers were students at Université Laval, a school in Quebec, a source close to the investigation told Radio Canada, saying one was Moroccan. Police said the suspects were not on their radar.

Five people were in critical condition and 12 others suffered minor injuries, University of Quebec Hospital Centre spokeswoman Genevieve Dupuis said Monday. The dead ranged in age from age 35 to 60.

A possible motive was unclear.

Yeah, maybe you can run with the “sure, they shouted Allah Akbar, but we really have no idea what they were thinking” narrative. But the fake news media can’t hold that one together for you.

Basically, you all came out and said this was proof Trump is evil, when it turns out it was proof of the opposite.

That must really sting. It’s an existential type of sting, to be sure.

In some way, this event signals the end of liberalism. It would be very difficult for it to get any goofier than this.

This is for you, shitlibs.

May God have mercy on your faggot souls.

Because EMPEROR TRUMP will not.