Abby Martin on Situation: Jew Israel

Daily Stormer
July 29, 2014

The lovely Abby Martin (who continues to refuse to text our publisher, Andrew Anglin) here gives a report on the background and present state of the Israeli-Palestine situation.

Say what you want about RT – they surely have a lot of crap on there – but show me another news network that is willing to come out with stuff like this.  The entirety of the English language media is endorsing the baby-killing Jews, constantly, even when the people are tying their best to take a step back and figure out what is going on.

Oh, this is from the 23rd of this month, so the numbers aren’t right.

"Oh, Abby, how I love your care for the brown people's plight, but more I love your hatred of the kikes" -From a love poem Andrew Anglin composed for Abby Martin
“Oh, Abby, how I love your care for the brown people’s plight, but more than this I love your hatred of the kikes” -From a love poem Neo-Nazi newspaperman Andrew Anglin composed for liberal TV reporter Abby Martin