Abdelslam’s Lawyer Says He’s an Idiot Member of the GTA Generation

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 28, 2016


The top terrorist lawyer is trendy af. Or maybe he’s just French. I can’t tell.

Abdelslam is back in Paris for his trial, having finally be extradited from Belgium.

Hilariously, France hasn’t had the death penalty since 1977. Abdelslam will get to enjoy a life of good halal food and sex with other men (which all Arabs enjoy, even if they are nominally heterosexual) for the rest of his life.

His lawyer, Sven Mary, appears to be virtually admitting his guilt, which makes one wonder why they are even bothering with the trial. Maybe it’s because the entire western system is a total joke?


The Belgian lawyer of the main defendant in the Paris attacks explains the difficulty in providing the defence for a a person accused who is so widely despised, someone he moreover considers a “little idiot”.

He also doesn’t hide his contempt for Abdeslam : “He’s a little Molenbeek idiot from the world of petty criminality, a follower rather than a leader. He has the intelligence of an empty ashtray, he has an abyssal vacuity. He’s the perfect example of the GTA generation [ Grand Theft Auto] who think they live in a video game. He and his friends have succeeded in making an entire religion disliked. I asked him if he had read the Koran, something I’ve done, and he replied that he had read interpretations of it on the internet. For simple minds, it’s perfect, the internet, it’s the maximum they can understand.” He says he is very uneasy about reactions to his defence of Islam: “The Arabs congratulate me, while the non-Arabs give me hateful looks. It’s very unhealthy.”

Translation via Diversity Macht Frei.

It’s very funny to talk about Moslems committing terrorism because of White-made video games, no?

It’s funny because White people who play these games don’t commit terrorism. Also funny because Moslems were doing terrorism for 1400 years before vidya was invented.

But, you know: it must be White people’s fault, because brown people don’t have human agency and so cannot be responsible for their own behavior.