Daily Stormer
March 11, 2014

Abe Foxman is very happy about the new Jesus movie, which shifts the blame of the killing of Christ off of the Jews and onto some goyim patsies.
As the Bible itself does not mince words about who was responsible for the death of Christ, and this film is attempting to skew that, it can only be looked at as blasphemy.
From TheWrap:
The bible saga “Son of God” will be “the antidote to the poison that ‘Passion of the Christ’ became,” Anti-Defamation League National Director Abraham Foxman told TheWrap Tuesday.
“It’s almost a disservice to ‘Son of God’ to compare the two,” he said. Mark Burnett and Roma Downey’s pared-down version of the History channel miniseries “The Bible” opens nationwide Friday on roughly 3,000 screens Friday.
“Gibson bloodied the Jews by portraying them as such villains,” said Foxman. He was among the Jewish leaders who a decade ago spoke out bitterly against Gibson’s brutal recounting of Christ’s crucifixion, saying its depiction of sadistic Pharisees and stereotypical characters fanned the flames of hatred against Jews.
But he has no problem with “Son of God.”
“The story of the crucifixion and the way it has been used through the centuries has never been good for the Jews,” he said.
“Having said that, ‘Son of God’ is the most sensitive, caring depiction of the story of Jesus that I have ever seen. The producers have done everything possible to put the events into historical, political and psychological context.”
“It’s not perfect, but it’s done with the proper sensitivity and perspective and I would hope that for future generations, ‘Son of God’ will be the vehicle used to teach that part of history,” he said.
Foxman said that his organization met with Downey and Burnett and provided each other with “mutual guidance.”
“After ‘The Bible’ came out, we reached out and talked thr0ugh the issues that could be hurtful or painful,” said Foxman. “We didn’t agree on everything, but it was clear there was respect on both sides.”
The ADL is even sponsoring a dinner honoring Burnett and Downey on May 8.
Foxman said that while it felt funny for him to endorse a film about the crucifixion, “in this context I said yes, absolutely.”
The love fest between the “Son of God” producers and the ADL is in stark contrast to the approach Gibson took with the “Passion,” which was controversial for months before its release. The director failed to reach out to Jewish leaders when the film was coming together, and Gibson came under blistering fire while he was taking a renegade approach to getting it into theaters.
For any faults Gibson may have, he is a real Christian who never would have altered the story of the Bible to please the Killer of Christ.
It is disgusting that the producers of “Son of God” are willing to bow before the very people who murdered the Son of God.