Absolute Unit! Tranny DOMINATES Sluts at Handball Competition!

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
December 10, 2018

Check. Out. This. ABSOLUTE. Unit.

This is how we maintain Western dominance in the world, lads.

One half of the White team isn’t pulling its weight: the women.

That just means the other, better half has to do everything.

I am all for our men playing women’s sports. Because women suck. So we gotta get men doing all the jobs that women suck at doing. Even women’s sports.


Until 2016, Hannah Mouncey played for Australia’s men’s handball league. But now, after transitioning to a woman, the six-foot-two, 220-pound Mouncey is utterly dominating Australia’s women’s handball league, Daily Wire noted.

Mouncey literally towers over opponents and overpowers them in reach, strength, speed, and weight, but has been allowed to compete as a woman despite the incredible advantage.

With Mouncey leading the drive, Australia is back in the hunt for an Asian Women’s Handball championship for the first time in years.

Mouncey has been racking up the points at a growing rate with four goals against Kazakhstan last week, and eight goals against Japan and Iran in recent matches.

These trad countries are no match for Western weaponized trannies.

According to the Swedish sports site Handbolls Kanalen, “Australia defeated Iran by 29-24, and the result may turn out to be gold worth. If they finish in fifth place or better, Oceania is winning a World Cup through the Asian Championship. It also means that IHF will not have a wildcard to share.”

Mouncey was barred from entering the women’s league last year because of higher testosterone levels and weight, but presumably, that was addressed for the 2018 season. During that time Mouncey complained that weight was unfair criteria for transgendered women.

“My biggest concern is the fact that weight is being used as one of the key physical measures for possible exclusion. Forget the fact that in a game that has such an emphasis on endurance and speed, being heavy is not necessarily an advantage and think about the message it sends to women and girls about their bodies: if you’re too big, you can’t play. That is incredibly dangerous and backward,” Mouncey wrote in the Guardian last year.

Lol, this clever sonofabitch knows his leftist talking points well. Check and mate, bitches. Enjoy getting manhandled by this absolute unit out on the field.

She ‘mirin and she jealous

Frankly, I don’t even know why everyone is so worked up about Hannah.

We’ve already got many famous men posing as women in professional sports, and no one makes a big deal about them…

Serena is one of the most famous trannies out there in the field

So really, everyone needs to chill out, imho.

This is just men getting shit done. 

Women have also become such garbage at everything else… cooking, cleaning, raising children… men are going to have to step up and start doing that shit too. Not just that, but even socializing and getting involved in the community. Like, men are going to have to start attending PTA meetings at schools because we all know that white mothers don’t care about their children’s lives at all or just simply pimp them out to minorities for status signaling points.

Get out, you fail at raising children. 

I think the phenomenon of women being so absolutely shitty is more important than this ABSOLUTE CHAD completely wrecking it in women’s handball…

We need to have a conversation about that instead.