Accused Black Criminal Violently Attacks White Judge in Court

NBC Chicago
November 2, 2014

Judge Geary Kull ended up in the hospital after being punched in the face and head by the accused.

A man who appeared in Cook County Court Thursday morning on aggravated battery charges attacked the judge after his hearing, sending him to the hospital, Cook County Sheriff’s authorities said.

The sheriff’s office said Michael Ganter was being escorted by two sheriffs to a holding cell just before noon when he broke free near the side of the judge’s bench. Ganter went to the judge and punched him in the head and face, authorities said.

Sheriff’s officers and other law enforcement in the courtroom assisted in subduing him.

Michael Ganter
The wider the nostrils the more unstable they are. Michael Ganter was able to attack the judge because he was not cuffed at the time. That would probably have been ‘racist’ or something.

A taser was deployed during the incident, sheriff’s authorities said, and officials confirmed the judge was hit in the hand with a probe from the device.

The judge was transported to Loyola University Medical Center in Maywood. His condition wasn’t immediately released.

Sheriff’s authorities said Ganter was not cuffed at the time, which officials said is normal procedure.

New charges are expected to be filed against Ganter.