Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 19, 2014

All over the world, it is not so much Ukrainian separatists or even Russia as a nation being blamed for Malaysia Jet – it is Putin himself, as an individual human being. They actually appear to be insinuating – though not exactly saying it directly – that Putin ordered Malaysia Jet shot down.
Putin has been treated as an international super-villain by the media for years now, so it is easy enough to simply say “he did it,” and the masses will go along with it.

Here’s an example.
RUSSIA’S President, Vladimir Putin, the little man with the big stare, has always been in control. It starts with those chameleon eyes and what, at least one observer assumes, must be decades of practice. Does Putin ever blink?
He has never bothered with charm. No need. Newspapers that write the wrong thing? They close. Naughty rock singers? They go to jail. As for Western powers united in condemnation? So what?
Until Thursday afternoon, that is, when a plane fell out of the Ukraine sky and Putin, a master manipulator and (sometimes shirtless) man of action, sensed it at once. A student of history, he recognised a turning point.
The MH17 disaster was a coincidence of timing, a tick over a century to the day since a crazed Serbian nationalist, Gavrilo Princip, shot dead the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Franz Ferdinand.
The Archduke’s assassination was terrorism at its clumsiest, a blunder in a heightened time of tension. Comparisons are tempting. Putin seemed to know that the downing of MH17, too, would be a shot “heard around the world”.
He blinked. He had lost control.
A comparison to the Ferdinand assassination, eh?
That is not very responsible journalism.

The Weirdness is Upon Us
Today, the coup government of the Ukraine accused separatists of stealing 38 bodies from the crash site, which seems insane, and a rebel leader allegedly came out and said that many of the bodies in the wreckage must have been dead when they boarded the plane, which also seems insane.
The whole scenario is intensely bizarre, and is sure to get more so.
Look at this picture, for instance:

Think that picture is the weirdest thing you’ve seen yet?
Well, how’s about a little of this?
The pilot of MH17 radioed that he ‘felt uncomfortable’ about the route he was flying while over Ukraine and fatally altered his course to hostile territory, according to an expert.
Dr Igor Sutyagin, Research Fellow in Russian Studies from the Royal United Services Institute, believes that MH17 was shot down by rebels based in the 3rd District of Torez, in eastern Ukraine, after mistaking his plane for a government military transport aircraft.
He told MailOnline that information had been leaked from a source he was unwilling to name that the pilot of MH17 ‘felt bad’ about his course over Ukrainian airspace, so changed direction.
There doesn’t seem to be any new, relevant evidence available. Just a lot of blaming and weird speculation.
I’m a little bit surprised there is less talk of military intervention by NATO.
Here are the pictures from the crash site.
Sure does seem like a lot of children’s toys.
What a mess.