ACTION NEEDED: BLM Activist Charles Wade Caught Pimping Out a 17-Year-Old White Girl

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 19, 2016


A prominent Black Lives Matter activist has been caught pimping out a 17-year-old White girl.

Apparently, he is going to suffer no consequences for this.

We want justice!

Read the story, then take action.

Daily Caller:

A Black Lives Matter activist who operates a social justice charity was arrested last month on charges of sex trafficking a 17-year-old girl.

Charles Wade co-founded Operation Help or Hush in the aftermath of the Aug. 2014 police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo. The group claims it helps raise funds for the needy and provide food and shelter for activists.

But according to a police report obtained by TheDC, the 33-year-old Wade was raising money in more explicit ways.

He was arrested on April 25 at a motel where he resided in College Park, Md. Police say he was using the motel room to pimp a 17-year-old girl.

He’s charged with seven counts, including felonies for human trafficking. The charges carry sentences of up to 25 years in prison and a $15,000 fine. Wade posted $25,000 bond and left jail on April 27.Wade denied the allegations in an email to The Daily Caller.

Formerly a stylist for Solange Knowles, the sister of Beyonce, Wade has been featured in numerous news articles about the Black Lives Matter movement. He was also invited by the White House earlier this week to a movie screening with other Black Lives Matter activists. Wade says he did not attend the function, which was on Tuesday.

Last year, a team of Washington Post reporters, including Pulitzer Prize-winner Wesley Lowery, included Wade in a profile of Black Lives Matter activists who protested after the Aug. 2014 shooting of Michael Brown by Ferguson, Mo. police officer Darren Wilson.

The Post piece referred to questions about Wade’s fundraising activities — which he and his group conduct mostly through Twitter — but offered a largely glowing portrayal of the activist.

The paper also covered him in Dec. 2014 after he helped model Chrissy Teigen and singer John Legend donate to activists protesting Eric Garner’s death in New York City.

According to the police report, an undercover officer with the vice intelligence unit responded to an ad on, a website frequently used by sex traffickers and prostitutes.

“Holla at me. Quick stay specials tonight and tomorrow. Independent. Fun and sexy. Text me to set up an appointment???????” reads the ad, which listed the age of the poster as 23.

The undercover detective contacted the poster to set up a meeting. The respondent informed him that the cost of services would be $100 for a half-hour and provided an address, which turned out to be a Howard Johnson Inn in College Park. A room number was also provided.

When the undercover john arrived, a white female wearing only a towel answered the door and let him inside the room. After she attempted to initiate contact with the detective he informed her he was a police officer, and she ran out of the room.

“Members of the Vice Intelligence Unit described a male that was watching the Undercover Detective as he entered [room 412],” the report reads.

Investigators reported that the teenager, who gave her age as 17, said that Wade was her “manager.” She called him “CJ.”

Wade, who used a passport to rent the Howard Johnson Inn room, was arrested and charged with sex trafficking. Police recovered three cell phones from him.

The alleged victim told investigators that Wade knew she was a minor. She said that he told her he was not concerned about her age because “you only have 5 months left until you’re 18 so I’m not worried.”

She also told investigators that she provided all the money she was paid to Wade.

This nigga ain’t even paid da bitch!

I wonder if he was literally like “my ancestors already done paid you wiff dey work building this country!”

And then she was like “yeah, okay – that makes sense. I’ll hook for you for free then.”

Wade issued a statement on Twitter after being contacted by TheDC in which he blamed conservative “trolls” for focusing on the case. He also said “I am confident that I will be cleared of the charges I am currently facing.”

“I was forced to make this statement before I was ready to because of ongoing efforts by Twitter ‘trolls’ to stop my work and the work of my organization,” he wrote.

“For the past two to three days, ‘trolls’ have been actively baiting conservative news outlets to report on my arrest, amongst other vindictive things that they are actively working on.”

Wade’s court date has been set for June 3.

Here’s the police report:


And here’s his full statement:

Wade also went with a BLM delegation to speak at the UN.



Wew, lads.

Dindu nuffin.

Now here’s the juicy part.

An update from The Daily Caller indicates he’s being protected/given special treatment:

After this article was published, TheDC obtained new information about Wade’s January grand theft case showing that the charges against him were not merely dropped, as he claimed. Records show that on April 29, two days after he was released from jail following the prostitution arrest, Wade agreed to enter a deferred prosecution program. In such cases, defendants typically agree to perform community service and stay out of trouble in exchange for an eventual dismissal of charges.

I don’t know if this is because he’s a known activist or just because he’s Black. The current policy of the government is to not punish Blacks for crimes.

I don’t know if small scale pimping is necessarily something you do prison time for, but I would think with an underage girl it would be pretty serious.

Let’s Get Some Justice, Huh?

I am extremely bothered by the idea of this guy getting off on these charges. I’m also extremely bothered by the fact this story is getting almost zero attention in the media.

So let’s go ahead and do something about that.

First thing’s first, someone needs to dig up a bit more information on the situation.

Here’s the original ad:


The images of the hooker don’t show her face, but if anyone knew who she was, I’d bet dollars to dinars she’d be down for a bit of the old dramarama.

If she comes out, we can turn her into the White Trayvon – an innocent White child abused by a racist Black man.

Of course, once Wade sees this post, he’s going to call her and either threaten her or offer to pay her off not to speak out and become the White version of Trayvon. This will hopefully land him in further trouble with the police.

We also need to put pressure on the Governor of Maryland to respond to this situation, and explain exactly why it is that Wade is going to get away with this egregious criminal action.

This is the phone number for the office of Larry Hogan, Governor of Maryland:

(410) 974-3901

You can email him here.

His Twitter:


You can also contact the office of the State Prosecutor, Emmet C. Davitt, and voice your concern:

(800) 695-4058 (toll free), (410) 321-4067

Their email:

Brian Frosh is the Attorney General of Maryland.

His office’s number:

(888) 743-0023 (toll free), 410-576-6300

Their email:

His Twitter:


Be very polite when contacting these officials and merely express your concern that it appears that the State of Maryland is letting a serious criminal off the hook due to his celebrity status. You may also suggest that this was a racial hate crime (it obviously was), and suggest that hate crimes charges be pursued.

We should also contact Wade’s organization, Operation Help or Hush, and demand they give a statement.

Along with all of this, you can contact the media and inquire as to why they are not covering this story. As it happened in the DC area, it is extremely strange that neither The Washington Post or The Washington Times has covered the story.

Wade himself is likely to engage you in drama, which can escalate the situation.

Hit him up on Twitter.


His feed is incredible. All retweets from people – a lot of them White – saying “hey, you’re cool – we know you didn’t do nothing.” Along with demanding answers from him, pose as supporters and get him to retweet you.

Other heads of the Black Lives Matter movement should also be contacted, such as Deray (@deray).

I am 100% certain that if you all put the time in here, we can get a response.

It’s clear that the Prosecutor’s office doesn’t want to deal with some Black fiasco, so they’re sweeping this under the rug.

However, if the people are outraged, they will have to do something.

This is a cause for the entire Alt-Right to come together around. Let’s get everyone involved.


She’s our Trayvon.

Let’s get it done.

Hail Victory.