Active Duty Military Poll: Trump 54%, Clinton 25%

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 10, 2016


Interestingly, it appears that men in the military have little desire to fight in Hillary Clinton’s proposed World War to save ISIS.

Military Times:

In a new survey of American military personnel, Donald Trump emerged as active-duty service members’ preference to become the next U.S. president, topping Hillary Clinton by more than a 2-to-1 margin. However, in the latest Military Times election survey, more than one in five troops said they’d rather not vote in November if they have to choose between just those two candidates.

But given only those choices, 21 percent of the service members surveyed said they would abstain from voting.More than 54 percent of the 951 troops Military Times surveyed said they would vote for Trump, the presumed Republican presidential nominee, over Clinton, the Democratic front-runner. Only about 25 percent said they would vote for Clinton in that matchup.

They felt better about Sanders, who, like Trump, is ostensibly anti-war.


This is, of course, only logical.

There is talk within military circles that Hillary’s stated plan for a World War with Russia – a plan which she has campaigned on – would result in serious disaster. Not only would tens of millions of soldiers die in this World War, there is also a very good chance the US would lose.

So it isn’t surprising soldiers who are up on these things say “nah brah, nah.”

Democrats Don’t Know Hillary is Saying She Wants a World War

It is continually shocking to me that the majority of Democrat voters are not aware of the fact Hillary Clinton is openly calling for a World War with Russia to save ISIS.

Of course, she hasn’t come out and said “I want a World War with Russia,” but even if she had stated that plaining, I doubt Democrats would be aware she’d said it.

What she has said is that she wants to invade Syria, set-up a no-fly zone and shoot down the Russian jets that are bombing ISIS. This is the exact same thing as saying “I want a World War with Russia to save ISIS.”

The media was reporting this back in December, saying “but, uh, wait, really?”

Democrats Aren’t on Board With Hillary’s No-Fly-Zone Plan | Foreign Policy

Since then, however, they’ve been silent on the issue.

Hillary has also supported every single other war she’s had a chance to support, and was responsible for the destruction of Libya, which is now an ISIS-run disaster and non-state. One would think the Democrat voter is aware of the role she played in Libya, as this was such a massive media event, but apparently they aren’t, or have forgotten about it.

But get this – even after it is known that this was an unimaginably horrible decision (unless of course destabilizing the Middle East and causing a Black invasion of Europe was your goal) – this crazy bitch is out there on the campaign trail saying she regrets nothing and would destroy Libya again if given the chance.

Hillary Clinton Has No Regrets About Libya | Foreign Policy

The bitch is unhinged.

But it doesn’t even matter, because MSNBC doesn’t report this stuff, it just gets published on websites that low information Hillary supports don’t read.

How crazy is this?

Hillary is openly out there campaigning on starting more wars, and her voters don’t know.

A big part of the Trump campaign’s attack on Hilldog needs to be focused on the fact she supported all these wars and is calling for a war with Russia. It should be easy to get the media to do what they’ve so far refused to do and look directly at her insanity with regards to a plan to start a World War for no clear reason.

If the general public was aware of what the active duty military is aware of, the whole nation’s poll numbers would be the same as the military’s poll numbers.