Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 22, 2014

The actor James Woods, who is known for making borderline right wing comments, came out on Twitter and blamed the deranged childlike Mayor Bill de Blasio and the Black terrorist leader Al Sharpton for the dead NYPD officers.
It was pretty hardcore.
Here is a blog with a bunch of info about Woods, for those interested in learning more about a Hollywood figure willing to come out and condemn the Jew agenda. He apparently has an IQ of 180.
I just remember that Cronenberg movie was fffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh. I know Cronenberg is just a weird, sick Jew, but when you’re a kid and you see those 80s films of his, they really blow you away when you catch them on late at night on the USA Network. I know some of you remember it as clearly as I.
Here we go – “Videodrome” it was called.
Jew or not, this was a high-concept film of a concept that I am extremely interested in: this relationship between us and our machines.
I wish I had more time to write about that. But I don’t.
Oh an he was great as the voice of Hades in the best Hercules movie.

Forgive that indulgence there.
On the issue of the responsibility for these murders, I’ll say what I said earlier – sure, de Blasio and Sharpton are partially responsible, but it is the Jew media which is to blame. They are the ones who made the whole “unarmed Black” a thing, said it over and over again to purposefully distort reality, and they are also the ones who give whackjobs like de Blasio and Sharpton the status as important people who should be listened to.
Crazy and stupid people will always exist. If the media found a schizophrenic person saying you could drink a gallon of antifreeze and it would give you the power to fly and put him on TV and said it was totally serious and real, then a bunch of people died from drinking antifreeze, would you blame the crazy person or the irresponsible TV network who told everyone it was real?
Like it or not, we are in a situation where the media has the capacity to create realities, and because it is controlled by Jews, they are using it to create the sick and weird reality that Blacks people, who we literally give free everything while they slaughter us on the streets, are somehow victims of the people who they are murdering while having their lives paid for by. I’m not sure if the reality creation abilities of the TV are just being used for evil or if they are fundamentally evil by their nature, but at this point it doesn’t even matter.
Wow, I think I just related this back to Videodrome.
Great job, Andre!