Actor Kevin Sorbo Calls Out Black Rioters as “Animals”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 22, 2014

When I was a kid, Hercules wasn't a Black somoan... no, he was a super hardcore racist White Christian man.
When I was a kid, Hercules wasn’t a Black Samoan… no, he was a super hardcore racist White Christian man.

TMZ has reported that Kevin Sorbo, the actor who played Hercules in the awesome television series of the same name, has posted on Facebook calling the rioters in Ferguson “animals.”

He said that the riots had nothing to do with the shooting of the cigar thief, and were merely being used by the Blacks as “an excuse to be the losers these animals truly are.”

He also mocked the ridiculous concept of a Black President.

The post has since been removed, but not before multiple liberal outlets took the chance to attack him about it (Raw Story, Salon, Huffington Post).

Others, such as the staff of the Daily Stormer, believe that Sorbo is totally awesome to the max for calling out chimping chimps as chimps who do not even resemble human beings in any significant way.

More and more of these celebrity figures are getting fed up.  Admittedly, this isn’t a particularly relevant celebrity, but it still demonstrates that the public mind is moving in our direction.