Actual Lunatic Mike Pompeo Justifies Massive Weapons Transfer to Saudi Arabian Perverts

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 26, 2019

Goyim, we have to give the people who did 9/11 according to our own investigation a bunch of weapons because they need to fight the enemies of the Jews.

Breitbart is actually promoting this with an exclusive interview on “why this is good.”

You can all say “oh yeah KIKEBART – why are YOU SURPRISED BY THIS ANGLIN???”

But if you’re saying that, then you never actually spent much time reading Breitbart. I’ve read Breitbart every day for the last four years, and supporting wars and Saudi Arabia were never part of their thing.


Secretary of State Michael Pompeo said Friday in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News that a newly-announced $8 billion in arms sales to Middle East allies would help protect their and America’s interests against increased Iranian threats in the region.

It is significant that we are not only demonstrating our will to continue to help them support and defend their countries and deter these threats, but the challenge from the Islamic Republic of Iran that we face,” Pompeo said in a phone interview.

“We’ve seen the heightened tensions over the last handful of weeks, so our expectation is that the risks will continue to stay at a heightened level, so it is appropriate and necessary to get these arms sales moving forward,” he said.

The State Department on Friday notified Congress of 22 pending arms sales to the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia worth $8 billion total. The equipment includes aircraft support maintenance; intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR); munitions; and other equipment.

The arms sales were previously blocked by members of Congress more than a year ago. While most foreign arms sales are approved by Congress, the State Department in this case is drawing upon an authority under Section 36 of the Arms Export Control Act that allows the administration to undertake arms sales in an emergency.

The State Department has determined the increased threat-stream from Iran constitutes an emergency.

Still no evidence of the threat, by the way.

Twenty-three days of this claim, and we’ve had not a single piece of evidence, or even a description of what the alleged threat is.

On May 3, U.S. Central Command commander Marine Gen. Kenneth McKenzie received intelligence showing there were increased threats from Iran to U.S. forces and assets in the Middle East. On May 5, the Pentagon approved his request to send an aircraft carrier, a bomber squadron, and a Patriot anti-missile battery to the region.

Shortly thereafter, there were attacks on four oil tankers in the Persian Gulf and an attack on a Saudi pipeline that the Pentagon later attributed to Iran.

They weren’t actually attributed to Iran, Breitbart. They were attributed to the Houthis, who the US claims are funded by Iran.

But the Houthis – a Yemeni group – are in a war with Saudi Arabia, so attacking them is natural enough. If now every attack by the Houthis on Saudi Arabia is an attack by Iran on the US, then… well then that’s the thing, I guess.

A few days ago the Houthis attacked a Saudi airport though, and I never heard the media say that this was an Iranian attack on America. So I guess not all events qualify?

On Sunday, a rocket landed less than a mile from the U.S. Embassy in Iraq that was also attributed to Iranian or Iranian-backed forces in the country. On Friday, the Pentagon announced it was extending the mission of 600 troops that deployed with the battery, and was sending 900 additional troops for a total of 1,500.

Pompeo said the attacks were designed to increase the risk to shippers so that crude oil prices will rise and the Islamic Republican of Iran can expand its capacity to inflict terror around the world. “The attempts that you’ve seen over the past week, the attacks on the four commercial tankers, the attacks on the east-west pipeline in Saudi Arabia aim squarely at the heart of Western democratic economies,” he said.

So attacks by Yemenis on Saudi Arabia are an Iranian attack on all Western democracies.

Okay, guy.

The arms sales would help partners ensure that important sea lanes remain open, and that crude oil is delivered at prices that keep American businesses growing and successful, he said.

“We’ve had some success at disrupting that so far, but we must be ever-vigilant. We need to ensure that we protect our interests, that we do our best to help our allies protect their own commercial vessels, their own territory, and this set of weapons sales is a component of that,” he said.

Pompeo also noted that if the U.S. did not sell Saudi Arabia and other regional allies the weapons, they would buy them from the Russians or the Chinese, who have very different interests from the U.S. He argued that buying the systems from the U.S. also decreases the risks of misuse of these systems. The sales will also create 40,000 jobs in the U.S., he said.

In response to the administration’s pressure campaign, former Obama officials and Democrats have launched their own campaign to save the Iran nuclear deal, which the U.S. pulled out of last year. In a series of op-eds and statements in recent weeks, they have accused the Trump administration of wanting war with Iran.

Pompeo called suggestions the administration wants war with Iran “patently false.”

“I’ve said it, the president’s said it, we do not war with the Islamic Republican of Iran,” he said. However, he said, Iran must stop its dangerous behavior.

Was Pompeo actually calling them “Islamic Republicans”?

Far be it from me to mock a publication for a typo, but they keep writing it that way.

“For 40 years, the Iranians have attacked and killed Americans. They’ve made clear their intentions to continue to do so. They continue to chant ‘death to America.’ They continue to talk about wiping Israel from the face of the earth. They’re the most antisemitic country by policy in the world, and so that’s a real threat,” he said.

We don’t war with them. What we want them to do is to cease their nuclear program, we want them to step away from their proxy campaign attempting to essentially control five capitals in the Middle East,” he continued.

“We want them to cease continuing to develop their missile program that could launch nuclear missile weapons across the world,” he said. “The UN Security Council said the same thing, and UN Security Council [Resolution] 2231. That’s what we’re looking for, and we’re using peaceful means — economic and diplomatic efforts to achieve those ends.”

They already stopped enriching uranium and never violated the deal in the first place. If they are going to start enriching uranium, they are going to do it because of the collapse of the deal, which Trump unilaterally pulled out of to please the Jews.

This is really just a goofy situation.

With Mike Pompeo and John Bolton, even looking at them as though they have an agenda seems misguided. Both appear to be actual lunatics.

Unless they are baby-fuckers, then they do not personally gain anything by serving Jews.

Pompeo claims to be a believer in the evangelical Christian death cult. Maybe that’s true. But that just means he is insane, and thinks that if he can bring about the apocalypse, he will get sucked up into Heaven by the satanic “Space Jesus” of the evangelical cult.

Sometimes I feel like I need to create my own sect of Christianity, which is also based on Dune by Frank Herbert.