Addressing Saida Grundy Debacle, Boston Globe Acknowledges Racial Double Standards

William Martel
Daily Stormer
July 8, 2015

Pool's closed.
Pool’s closed.

An article over at The Boston Globe about NYF’s operation against anti-White Black supremacist Saida “Grumpy” Grundy has actually acknowledged the racist double standards when the author writes:

She has every right to those opinions, but let’s be honest. If she were a white professor tweeting such thoughts about black college men, there would be little rush to defend her in the name of academic freedom or any other cause.

Exactly. But the author, Joan Vennochi, totally forgets to mention that not only would the White professor be instantly fired, Blacks would chimp-out and burn BU to the ground to get “muh justice.”

She continues:

One anti-Grundy poster was placed on a bulletin board that also contained a flyer with the message “ISupportSaida.” Others were placed on lamp posts and in campus buildings, including the sociology department where Grundy will be teaching.

The message from the National Youth Front and American Freedom Party is offensive and hateful. But is it threatening?


I don’t see how pointing out racist double standards is threatening. There are no threats on any of the NYF’s posters or flyers at all, but BU feels otherwise. In fact, they feel that NYF somehow committed a crime of some sort that is worth investigating.

I’m sure it is real in their minds.

BU spokesman Colin Riley told Boston Magazine that the school’s police are investigating the posters and will prosecute if they make an arrest. Asked the grounds, he e-mailed to me, “that would be determined by the investigation.”

LOL. I think these communists forget that we still have that the 1st amendment (for now at least) that allows people to speak freely and post on public property and billboards. What will they charge the NYF with? There was no destruction of property, no vandalism and no “hate speech” even if they tried to pull that nonsense. This is just BU’s way of acting tough when they know they are 100% wrong by supporting Grundy.

But what can we really expect from these JEWniversities anyway?

On the bright side, National Youth Front has pointed out that some donors are withholding contributions to BU until Grundy is fired. This is wonderful. No sane white person should support Boston University’s decision to employ a hateful anti-white bigot.

The NYF action forces our enemies into a corner where they have little choice but to simply admit that they hate White people. Doing this will show other Whites that there is clearly an agenda against them and our universities are being used to carry it out.

Regardless of what happens to Grundy, I think NYF did a great job. If you take the time to look at the comments section of the Globe article, you’ll see a ton of them that see this double standard and don’t like it.

A petition to fire Grundy went up before NYF ever took action. It has already reached its goal for signatures. This shows there’s some sanity left in the minds of some students who have not been totally jewified by these anti-white brainwashing camps.

The shift is happening folks. We whites are waking up, and now is the time to take the fight to our campuses so we can awaken our youth and ensure that we secure a future for our people.

Hail Victory.