(((ADL))) Adds Echo Symbol to Their Hate Database

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 7, 2016

jw merchant jonathan greenblatt adl

(((Jonathan Greenblatt))), head of the ADL

In their eternal quest to rid the planet of free thought, the (((ADL))) has added the parenthesis echo meme to their database of hate symbols.

They note that it “Joins Swastika, Wolfsangel, and Blood Drop Cross.”

Good job, TRS – you’ve invented a symbol on par with the swastika!


The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) announced today that it is adding the triple parentheses – or stylized (((echo))) symbol, the latest gimmick used by white supremacists and anti-Semites to single out Jews on Twitter and other social media — to the ADL “Hate on Display” online hate symbols database.

“The echo symbol is the online equivalent of tagging a building with anti-Semitic graffiti or taunting someone verbally,” said Jonathan A. Greenblatt, ADL CEO. “We at ADL take this manifestation of online hate seriously, and that’s why we’re adding this symbol to our database and working with our partners in the tech industry to investigate this phenomenon more deeply.”

(((Tech Industry))).


Extremists and haters were using the echo symbol, which originated in an anti-Semitic podcast in 2014, to highlight the names of those perceived to be Jewish and singling them out for harassment both online and off.  But in the past few days a number of Jewish users on Twitter have co-opted the parenthesis and used them around their names in a show of solidarity with those targeted by neo-Nazis and other extremists.

I wrote about that little Jewish plot when it began.


Even the (((SPLC))) is doing it, despite the fact that they have previous claimed to not be pushing a Jewish ethnic agenda.

Over the past several weeks, the echo symbol has been used by white supremacists and others as part of a pattern of harassment against a group of journalists including Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic, Jonathan Weisman of the New York Times, Julia Ioffe of GQ, and Bethany Mandel of the New York Post and Ben Shapiro of The Daily Wire.


Thanks for intensifying our echoes, Jews!


This latest move by the ADL to promote the Neo-Nazi cause by spreading our memes comes just after their move last week to convene a council of Elders of Zion to throw a wrench in the anti-Semitic meme machine of Anglin and weev.

If this is the type of strategy they’re going to be formulating, we can expect them to be using their resources to further promote us.

Feed My Memes, Jews

Ruling Jews have thus far made absolutely zero attempt to comprehend the concept of memetics, and if they were going to make such an attempt, they would have done it by now.


The meme, analogous to a gene, was conceived as a “unit of culture” (an idea, belief, pattern of behaviour, etc.) which is “hosted” in the minds of one or more individuals, and which can reproduce itself, thereby jumping from mind to mind. Thus what would otherwise be regarded as one individual influencing another to adopt a belief is seen as an idea-replicator reproducing itself in a new host. As with genetics, particularly under a Dawkinsian interpretation, a meme’s success may be due to its contribution to the effectiveness of its host.

Not that grasping memetics would help fight us, but it would certainly help them stop promoting us everywhere.

They cannot ever reverse-meme us, because the key driving force behind modern internet memes is lulz and Jews have no lulz. In fact, they have zero chill.

They really didn’t expect a resurgence of hardcore racism, apparently. The only meme they had was that racists are buck-toothed inbred hillbillies, but as our ranks are filled with weeaboos, that meme doesn’t make any sense. Rick Wilson floated the “anime masturbator” meme has an alternative to the buck toothed hillbilly meme.

The problem with that meme is that it requires adult men in suits to talk about Anime masturbation on television. It also veers from the “pure evil” image of racists the Jews have spent so much energy building up.

What the ADL should be doing is releasing statements directed to the Jew journalists themselves, saying, “if you get trolled by the Alt-Right, ignore it – don’t go on CNN, don’t write in the New York Times about it.”

But instead they are using up what’s left of their 70 year old reserves of Holohoax sympathy, creating a huge spectacle of us, spreading all of our memes for us.