ADL Kike Greenblatt Still on the Rampage, Lying About Hate Crime Hoaxes

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 17, 2017

The filthy kike Jonathan Greenblatt is still rampaging about hoaxed “hate crimes,” claiming that they are a crisis.

In fact, virtually every single one of these alleged crimes documented by the ADL and the SPLC turn out to be hoaxes. To bolster their numbers, they include internet name-calling in their “hate crime” statistics.

As the Washington Post reported in an article admitting that the recent hate-vandalism against blacks was done by a black against himself:

Scores of these incidents are cropping up across the country, particularly on college campuses.

Using a ProPublica database, BuzzFeed News found 154 total incidents of hate speech at more than 120 college campuses nationwide. More than two-thirds promoted white supremacist groups or ideology, while more than a third cited Trump’s name or slogans, BuzzFeed News reported.

Yet authorities caught fewer than 5 percent of perpetrators in cases of vandalism or threats. In at least three instances, college officials determined the incident was a hoax, according to BuzzFeed News.

And I helped the reader out with the math on that:

That is counting anything pro-Trump and fliers by Identity Europa and other groups as “hate crimes” – which magically becomes “hate speech” when it is specifically mentioned.

And then we have (fewer than) 5% of the 154 incidents being “vandalism or threats” (what is defined as a “threat” is not stated).

If it was 5%, that would be 7.7 “incidents” that fit that category, and as it says “less than 5%,” we can generously estimate that it is rounded down to 7 incidents.

And “at least” 3 of these 7 incidents have been exposed as hoaxes.

So that leaves potentially 4 incidents – assuming the highest possible according to this data here – out of 154 incidents involved real “vandalism or threats.”

Of course they don’t say how many turned out to be confirmed as real – and it could well be zero – but even if it is 4 real events, how on earth do they claim 154 “incidents” and claim that there are more real hate crimes than hoaxes?

That is the truth of the situation.

It is a total hoax.

The ADL’s numbers for crimes against Jews still include bomb hoax prank calls to Jewish centers that turned out to be done by an Israeli Jew. In fact, when they list their anti-Jewish hate crimes of this year, the overwhelming majority are from this Israeli prank caller, who called in hundreds of hoax bomb threats.

The Truth

I am on the top of the ADL hate list. They are obsessed with me. And I am going to tell you right now: I am 100% opposed to any type of violence or threats against minorities.

When the ADL was going insane about the prank calls from the Israeli – before he was caught by the FBI, at which point they stopped talking about it – we here at the Daily Stormer repeatedly condemned it and said I was 99% sure it was a Jew. The Jews then claimed that this was an “anti-Semitic conspiracy theory” before it turned out we were right.

The reason I am against violence is not because I don’t hate Jews, but because it doesn’t accomplish any of my goals. And I am all about goals.

Right now, we are seeing enormous success waking people up to the Jew problem and the more general race problem. We are doing this with words and ideas. The Jews know we are doing it with words and ideas, and they know that people are turned off by random acts of violence, so they accuse us of random acts of violence.

The ADL will never report that I’m against violence, unless it is in the context of accusing me of having a “conspiracy theory” for claiming that Jews are prank calling themselves. They pretend, if not outright lie and claim, that I am pro-violence.

This is because they wish I was violent. They have a way to deal with that. They know how to handle it. But none of us are violent. So they have to invent violence.

The ADL needs to be investigated over the prank calls. I believe they were responsible for them. I don’t have proof of that, but the fact that they promoted them so hard indicates that.

The logic is this:

  • The prank calls were good for the Jews, fitting directly into their agenda of claiming that Anti-Semitism was going out of control – and becoming criminal and violent – after the election of Donald Trump.
  • The ability to make this many prank calls without getting caught would require high intelligence.
  • No Anti-Semite who is intelligent enough to do hundreds of bomb hoax calls without getting caught would not know that this benefited Jews.
  • As such, the only people who would do these highly sophisticated prank calls would be Jews.
  • The ADL would be able to work through the above logic, and know it was Jews behind it.
  • The only way that the ADL would promote a hoax that they knew was being done by Jews would be if they had strong reason to believe that the Jews doing it weren’t going to get caught.
  • Given that, they would have to have some knowledge of the Jews doing it to know that they were unlikely to get caught.

The ADL is also violating their 501(c)(3) status by attacking Donald Trump.

They need to be investigated. This is a criminal, terrorist organization.