ADL Kikes Try to do Meme and It Sucks Balls

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 11, 2017

If this man shows up at your child’s birthday party asking kids to teach him how to meme, bring the children inside quickly and call the police.

People are freaking out the Vault 7 showed the CIA trying to do memes.

Here’s that screenshot.

It’s obvious they would try this. But also obvious they would fail. Necessarily, a meme trying to push a dishonest agenda is a forced-meme, and force-meming violates the first law of memery.

I am not concerned about the fact that the CIA was thinking about memes and presumably trying to put some memes out there in the memosphere. Our memes have not been infiltrated, because our memes cannot be infiltrated.

You can create fake news, but you can’t create fake memes. Just doesn’t work.

What I am concerned about is the ADL trying to meme. Because this is disgusting.

At a recent talk in Stockholm, Counter-Currents editor John Morgan presented a graph of the goals of the Alt-Right.

We can quibble about that chart – I think it’s pretty much on-point, though I would obviously word it differently. But that is not the discussion we’re having today, dear friends.

Today, we are discussing the fact that the kike ADL tried to meme this image, then released it into the open tubes.

What in the hell are these Jews thinking?

This isn’t clever.

All it does is prove they are exactly what we say they are: a bunch of obsessive, ninnying whiners who seek to reduce all nuanced discussion of ideas to childlike name-calling, while at the same time claiming an explicit right to tell the entire world how to think, based on a system of morality they have not ever defined.

Alt-Right: “We have some ideas about culture and society that we would like to share, and promote a public discussion about.”


This is not the way memes work, ADL. If you want to do memes, you have to include real humor which invokes intelligent, meaningful observation.

What does their meme attempt to convey?

Apparently, that all of our ideas are some kind of a trick and that really we just hate people FOR NO REASON. Like, literally, that is their only response to anything we say: “you just hate people for no reason.”

Well, that’s not working anymore. It never really made any sense to anyone, it’s just that before this our issues started boiling over, it didn’t have to make sense, people people were just like “oh yeah, okay, whatever – Nazis are bad, sure.”

Now, society is collapsing as a result of the Jewish race program, the Jewish feminism program and the Jewish homo program, everyone sees it collapsing and we’re like “hey guys – let’s maybe talk about what’s happening to our society, and why it’s happening?”

You’re going to need actual responses to actual arguments, ADL. That’s what you should be pouring your billions into.

Coming up with answers to our questions that normal people could potentially be compelled to believe.

We have actual grievances and claiming we don’t actually hurts your own agenda to destroy us.

  • Has black liberation resulted in a positive change in our society or led to an endless stream of violence?
  • Has mass non-white immigration led to a “we are the world” paradise on earth or simply collapsed social bonds and created a fractured society without trust?
  • Has feminism helped women or simply destroyed men and collapsed the family?
  • Has the normalization of homosexuality done anything other than harm children and helped disintegrate society’s morale?
  • Is international trade actually good for the economy or has it put once rich nations on par with the third world?
  • Has indulging the fantasies of the mentally ill with regards to the nature of their sex benefited these troubled people or society?
  • What are these Jews up to?

These are questions that the ADL does not have any answer to, and they only have one trick – call you a name, imply you are not rational and have a secret agenda for even asking a single question about what is happening around you.

If they want to meme against Counter-Currents, they should look-up Natt Danelaw.