ADL Report: Anti-Semitism in the United States Has Surged Throughout 2017

Did you know that there was a 25% increase in hate crimes against Brazilians in the United States in 2016? Or that the number of Chinese who had “feelings of ill will” towards Cambodians tripled in the last three years alone?

Of course you didn’t know those things – I just made them up.

There’s only one group of people on this planet that is neurotic and self-absorbed enough to constantly compile statistics based upon how despised they are globally, and almost everyone reading this knows who I’m talking about.

But if you’re not sure who I’m talking about and want to find out, consider buying Mel Gibson a few drinks at a bar.

Times of Israel:

The first nine months of 2017 saw a 67-percent increase in anti-Semitic incidents over the same period in 2016, new data from the Anti-Defamation League has shown.

Those incidents include physical assaults, acts of vandalism, and bomb threats to Jewish institutions, according to the ADL’s Audit of Anti-Semitic incidents, which was released Thursday morning.

A tally found that from January 1 to September 30, there were 703 incidents of harassment, including 162 bomb threats; 584 incidents of vandalism, 52 of them against Jewish institutions; and 12 physical assaults.

Those figures include the more than 2,000 calls made by an 18-year-old US-Israeli teen from Ashkelon who was apprehended by Israeli authorities in April. He allegedly made many of the bomb threats to Jewish institutions throughout the United States and other countries.

The ADL also found anti-Semitic incidents in American schools are surging, with incidents in K-12 grade schools more than doubling compared to the same period in 2016 — vaulting from 130 last year to 269 this year.

Yes, Jews carry out a lot of this stuff themselves, but much of it will be done by gentiles too. Everyone hates these people.

Sorry Jews, but you reap what you sow.

When you belong to a race whose chief religious doctrine is a hatred of all outsiders, and whose pre-eminent survival strategy is to vampirize host nations until their blood runs dry, you might want to anticipate the occasional backlash… such as being kicked out of 109 locations worldwide.

(Update: 359 locations worldwide.)

Seriously, these ADL statistics always crack me up. Not just because compiling “hate lists” is objectively absurd and quintessentially Jewish, but because these people never attempt to explain why the world wants to lampshade them in the first place.

If this happens to you, you probably deserved it.

I’m torn on the reasons behind this pattern. Logically, you’d presume that the ADL – an extension of the Mossad in America – doesn’t mention those reasons so that gentile readers don’t become wise to the Jewish criminality that triggered these acts of violence and vandalism. On the other hand, I wonder if Jews simply lack a capacity for self-reflection on a genetic level and are genuinely convinced of their own innocence.

Either way, it doesn’t matter.

The percentages contained in the ADL report are just the beginning. When the levels of goyim knowing reach critical mass… well… you don’t want me to spoil the ending, do you?

Okay, one teaser.