ADL Sheds Six Million Tears After Graffiti was Spray-Painted on Venezuelan Synagogue

Eli Stenson
Daily Stormer
January 9, 2015

What an evil, terrible, despicable, quasi-Holocaust thing to do.

Vandals recently scrawled graffiti on a synagogue in Caracas, Venezuela; the graffiti included a swastika, a Celtic cross, and the number 6,000,000 accompanied by question marks.

Predictably the ADL shed six million tears and then proceeded to condemn this act of attempting to incite a second Holocaust.


The Anti-Defamation League has issued a sharp reminder to the Venezuelan regime of President Nicolas Maduro that it is “responsible for the safety and well-being of Venezuela’s Jewish community” after anti-Semitic graffiti was sprayed on the wall of a synagogue in the capital, Caracas.

“This heinous act – deeply offensive to Jews and other survivors – sends a chilling message to the Jewish community in Venezuela and is an affront to all in Venezuela who strive to live in harmony,” declared ADL National Director Abraham Foxman. “Unfortunately, we have witnessed that anti-Semitic incidents occur far too often in Venezuela. Despicable acts of intimidation, like this one targeting Jews, contribute to an atmosphere of insecurity.”

I wouldn’t necessarily jump to conclusions by blaming anti-Jew hooligans, because this scenario is definitely not out of the question:
