We didn’t think Iran was a threat.
Then they released the mothership to deliver the motherlode to innocents in New Jersey.
A New Jersey congressman claimed Wednesday that the mystery drones over the Garden State are from Iran, and they’re being launched by a mothership parked off the East Coast.
Rep. Jeff Van Drew, a Republican, said the drones “very possibly could be” from Iran, citing confidential sources during an appearance on Fox News Wednesday morning.
“I’m going to tell you the real deal. Iran launched a mothership that contains these drones,” Van Drew said. “It’s off the East Coast of the United States of America. They’ve launched drones.”
“These drones should be shot down,” he said, adding that “the military is on full alert with this.”
The Pentagon has later rebuked Van Drew’s claims, insisting there is “no evidence” the drones belong to a foreign adversary – but did not offer any explanation whatsoever as to what they actually are.
Van Drew has stood by his statements, however, sending a letter to President Biden imploring him to take action and laying out “circumstantial evidence” supporting his claims.
“We have information that a sea-based Iranian drone mothership is currently missing from port, and that its embarkation timeline would align with the appearance of the New Jersey Drones,” he wrote the president in a letter obtained by Agudath Israel of America news.
“And of course, it is the policy of the Iranian government to bring about the destruction of the United States of America. While I remain open to alternate explanations, I have not been presented a single credible, cohesive narrative except for that Iran is controlling these drones,” Van Drew wrote.
Van Drew’s startling claim comes as officials have continually told Americans the drones pose no threat – even as the FBI has admitted they have no idea what they are or how to stop them.
The large drones have been spotted flitting across the night skies across Jersey for weeks, baffling residents with mysterious arrays of flashing lights and seemingly aimless movements.
Yes, it is indeed strange, but not all that strange given other things that are happening these days, such as child trannies and the sequel trilogy to Star Wars.
One would have to assume that if the government is saying that the drones are not a threat, they are government drones.
The government will most likely tell you they are aliens.
Or maybe they’ll tell you it’s actually Iranians.
Who knows?
Nothing the government says means anything anyway, so who even cares?