AfD Trying to Kike Petry Before She Cucks Them Out

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 25, 2017

I don’t follow German politics closely, because the whole thing is such an absurd joke.

These elections are no more meaningful than Stalin’s elections, except that Stalin wasn’t trying to purposefully kike his own people.

Merkel is going to form a government with Schulz, and it is all going to be business as usual. AfD won’t be able to do anything more than they were doing before.

But there is no reason not to be full-opposition party.


A senior figure in the anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany says party co-leader Frauke Petry should quit, amid deepening infighting a day after its strong showing in national elections.

Petry, who is co-chairwoman of AfD, announced Monday that she won’t join its new parliamentary caucus and walked out of a news conference.

She’s been sidelined in the party recently after arguing that AfD needs to take a more moderate line if it wants to share power rather than just oppose the government.

Alice Weidel, who was one of AfD’s two figureheads going into Sunday’s vote, said Petry’s walkout “is hard to beat in terms of irresponsibility.”

News agency dpa quoted Weidel as urging Petry to leave the party “to prevent further harm.”

AfD received 12.6 percent support in the election.

So I guess kick her?

I don’t know or care. Women in politics is stupid, fake German politics is stupid, if she thinks she’s going to have some kind of influence on the government with 13% of seats then she’s stupid.

She has said some funny things about shooting haji children trying to break into Germany and forcing Jews to eat pork.

Walking out of the press conference was actually pretty fucking hilarious as well for what it’s worth – it made everyone in the room look like a complete asshole while she looked like that meme picture of Leonardo DiCaprio.

But whatever.

Who cares?

I don’t care.

If I did care, I would say… I don’t know what I would say.

Germany is going to have a war. There is no other potential outcome. War or just complete submission to Islam. And it is probably going to happen sooner rather than later.

The only meaningful political occurrence that could happen in Germany would be the legalization of Holocaust research. I mean that genuinely. That is what I would be fighting for as a single issue party. The “Let’s Talk About These 6 Million” party. That is one thing that is at least sort of potentially possible, given that they are locking up 87-year-old women and that is really, really bad optics. You could focus in on that and say “people should be able to hold personal opinions on history.”

The entirety of modern Germany – indeed, the entirety of the modern West – is based on the myth of the Holocaust.

It’s a house of cards waiting to blow over.