Afghan Leader Trying to Get His People Back from Deplorable German Leader

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 11, 2016


We hear a lot about the victimization of the deplorables which have flooded Europe, and how we have to pay for their lives forever because it is sad that their countries are poor.

However, what we don’t hear much about is the effect that inviting these people in has had on their own countries.

The President of Afghanistan is now demanding these people whom Merkel has stolen be returned to him.


Germany is reportedly seeking to deport around 40,000 of the 79,449 Afghan refugees that have applied for asylum as part of a deal with Kabul. Former Afghan President Karzai said deportations would be “a good solution” for his country’s reconstruction.

Berlin wants to deport roughly 40,000 Afghan asylum seekers, including refugees willing to return to their homeland voluntarily, as well as migrants whose asylum applications have been rejected three times in a row, according to Bild magazine.

The 79,449 only covers those who have been officially registered as “refugees.” The real number of Afghanis in the country is over a quarter million. Germany itself says that over 150,000 arrived in 2015, and they lie about everything.

The two groups which have entered the country in the largest numbers are Afghanis and Pakistanis, and there are over 2 million total. So there could be as many as half a million Afghanis in Germany right now.

Deporting 40,000 isn’t going to do much. And there is virtually zero chance Merkel will allow it anyway.

The plan is part of a bilateral agreement between the German and Afghan governments, the magazine’s report said, adding that most migrants will be taken to Afghanistan on charter flights.

If implemented, practically half of all Afghan migrants that have recently arrived in Germany could be deported on various grounds. Germany’s Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) has registered 79,449 Afghan nationals that have applied for asylum, according to the agency’s July report.

…Unexpectedly, the move has been welcomed by former Afghan President Hamid Karzai, though similar mass deportations from other European countries have courted controversy and been criticized as inhumane.

“Yes, the voluntary deportations are a good solution,” he told Bild in an interview on Friday. “[The deportations] bring well-educated people back who we need so much. Every single talented Afghan is vital for our country’s future.”

However, Karzai added that he perfectly understands why people have been forced to flee from war-torn countries like his own.

“I myself have security concerns relating to my family. Even my wife is scared when our son goes to the German school in Kabul every morning.”

“But to leave the country is not a solution. You should not avoid the problem, you must do something against it, locally,” Karzai said.

Of course, many countries are refusing to take back any of their people, as they are mostly all criminals. Afghanistan though apparently wants these strong young men to fight in their emerging civil war.

The former Afghan leader told the magazine he believes that young Afghans that fled the country hoping to start a new life in Europe are needed in their home country, which is struggling with an immense terrorist threat.

“Our only chance is to stick together and fight against the terror. Therefore, I advise all Afghans: Stay at home and don’t flee!” he said, while stressing “we must rebuild our country.”

The “refugees,” being illiterate and Islamic to the extreme, are probably just as likely to fight for the Taliban as they are to fight for the US-installed Karzai regime. But Germany will of course allow Afghanistan to pick which ones come home.

July’s axe rampage terrorist attack was carried out by an asylum-seeker from Afghanistan and Afghanis have been responsible for innumerable rapes since they began flooding Germany.