Afghanistan: Woman Gets Head Chopped-Off for Walking Around Without Husband

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 29, 2016

Wait – didn’t we invade Afghanistan and give them a western-style democracy?

It’s been a while ago, but I distinctly remember something about invading this country to make them into a human rights democracy…


A 30-year-old woman has been beheaded in a remote Afghan village for visiting a local market alone, without her husband, local media report citing officials. The people behind the beheading may have links to the Taliban.

The incident took place in a village of Latti, Sar-e Pol Province, in northern Afghanistan on Monday evening, TOLO news reported, citing the provincial governor’s spokesman Zabiullah Amani.

According to Amani, the woman was beheaded because she went to the market to do some shopping alone. The victim’s spouse is currently in Iran and the couple has no children, he added.

The incident was also confirmed by Sar-e-Pul women’s affairs head Nasima Arezo.

“The woman was beheaded with a bayonet attached to an AK-47 after an argument with the Taliban in her remote village, which is part of the provincial capital,” Arezo said, as cited in the media.

Amani said that the armed men who killed the woman were allegedly linked to Taliban. The village of Latti is currently under the group’s control. The Taliban denied any involvement in the beheading.

No one has been arrested in relation to the incident so far.

This definitely doesn’t look like human rights democracy.

I guess we’re going to have to invade them again.

We also might want to consider transferring most or all of their population to Berlin, as that would make them democratic human rights supporter by default, by virtue of their geographic location.

As a side-effect, it would benefit the German economy, as they can be employed in high-tech jobs.