Africa: Last Male Northern White Rhino Dies

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 20, 2018

Black people are not really good at anything. But they do like killing things. And even though they’re not very good at killing things, there are so many of them, and they are so enthusiastic about it, that they have managed to wipe out entire species.


The world’s last surviving male northern white rhino has died after months of poor health, his carers said.

Sudan, 45, lived at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya. He was put to sleep on Monday after age-related complications worsened significantly.

His death leaves only two females – his daughter and granddaughter – of the subspecies alive in the world.

Hope for preserving the northern white rhino now lies in developing in vitro fertilisation (IVF) techniques.

It’s a very sad thing.

I do not understand the logic that says that blacks have more of a right to live than rhinos.

No rhino ever robbed me. No rhino ever gang-raped a white girl. No rhino ever flooded Europe and demanded free everything.

By all accounts, rhinos are much superior creatures to the negroid.

I think if any normal person was given a choice between negroes going extinct and rhinos going extinct, they would not have a difficult time making that decision.

Furthermore, it is a lot more than the rhino that the negroes are driving into extinction. Several great apes are currently on the verge of extinction, as are various large cats and canines. Also giraffes AKA long horses.

I believe we need to create a gene-specific virus to target negroes and vastly reduce their population, so that they do not completely destroy every living thing on their once majestic continent with their insane breeding patterns.

Race-specific bioweapons exist, and I simply see no reason how we can justify not using them to wipe out the negro race.

They are a menace and they produce absolutely nothing of value. All they have ever done is cause problems. There is not a single instance of a single negro ever doing something that mattered. Their sports and dancing related accomplishments are all things that the world could live without.

The only reason not to wipe them out using a biological weapon would be “oh but that’s sad tho” – well, is it sadder than the death of the rhino and all of these other species?

I don’t even think a hardcore liberal would make that argument.