African Dictator of America Gives Speech to British Africans

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 24, 2016


19 people visible, 3 of them White.

The brutal African dictator of America traveled to African-occupied Britain yesterday to give a speech to Africans.

Obama took questions from the audience, but most of the exchanges were unintelligible to humans.

Some of the recognizable words from the exchanges between Africans included:

  • Dat Bitch
  • Dem muffugguhs
  • White bitches
  • Kill dem craggas
  • Fugg dey azz up
  • Dem programs
  • Git dat money

The entire topic of the “town hall style meeting” appeared to be planning a coordination between the American and British African occupations.

Then some Paki announced he is non-binary.

This is absolutely insane.

All of it.

What in the hell is going on?