African Female with Seven Brats Moves into a Swiss Village, Costs the People a Third of Their Entire Annual Budget

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 19, 2014

The goal of diversity is to make this place...
Hagenbuch: The goal of diversity is to make this place…
...look a little bit more like this place.  And that takes cash.
…look a little bit more like this place. And that requires massive amounts of cash.

One of the greatest joys of diversity is having to pay vibrant sums of money to provide for the enrichful migrants who come to our countries for a better life for their families.

A town of 1000 people in Switzerland has recently experienced a high dose of joyousness as an African woman with seven children who moved to their town to help them become more colorful and vibrant is costing them £40,000 in benefits every month. This is nearly a third of the town’s entire annual budget, but the citizens of Hagenbuch say that paying this money gives them “infinite amounts of pure happiness.”

The colorful family arrived from Eritrea three years ago, and the townspeople were thrilled, even though they are going to have to raise taxes by 5% to get the cash to feed, clothe and entertain this vibrant and her diverse brood.

This gigantic monthly sum is not simply for day-to-day living expenses, but also for four of the woman’s children to be housed in an orphanage, along with entertainment for the vibrants, including guided tours and entry to the zoo.

“I don’t know where to turn. I think we have no other choice but to raise taxes,” Mayor Therese Schlaepfer told daily Swiss newspaper Blick.

The Mayor also made a grinch-face and claimed that citizens are outraged by the continually increasing costs of caring for the colorfuls, who require an entire team of social workers to take care of them for six hours, six days a week.

The truth however is that the citizens are thrilled. Their town must have been so dull and lifeless before these vibrants showed up with their enrichful color.

Daily Mail:

When the woman and her family arrived in Hagenbuch three years ago, the municipal government immediately agreed to cover the full cost of their rent and £1,700 a month in living expenses.

A short time later the woman sought further financial help, claiming she had become overwhelmed by family commitments and was now struggling to look after all seven of her children.

This resulted in four of them being sent to an orphanage – with the local authority paying out £6,000 for each child every month – a total cost of £24,000.

On top of this there are also the costs of helping the woman pay her cooking and cleaning bills – plus rolling entertainment expenses, such as paying the entry fee for all eight family members at the zoo.

As well as straight handouts, the family also reportedly cost the local authority thousands more every month by tying up social workers and carers for six hours a day, six days a week.

On average these social workers cost the council about £90 every hour they work, rising to £95 an hour in the evening or at weekends.

If their are citizens who are complaining about these fees, they should clearly be rounded up and imprisoned for hatred, and I don’t think it would be going too far to push for the death penalty.

We have to have this enrichfulness in Europe or it will not survive.