Africans in China: Evil Gooks Confirmed to be Skin-Haters Driven by Irrational Hate for Skin Color

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 22, 2017

China, 2017 [colorized]

The shocking thing here is that I thought all nonwhites were supposed to always exist in solidarity together against white heterosexual men.

But it turns out, gooks are just a bunch of white supremacists who hate blacks for the color of their skin.

LITERALLY they hate them for no other reason than an aesthetic issue involving the pigmentation of their skin.


In 2018.

France TV:

Between 300,000 and 400,000 African migrants are now living in China.

“These African populations are grouped together in communities. For example, in Canton, which is the hard core of African immigration, their district has been dubbed Chocolate City. Even within this district, the migrants spontaneously group themselves by nationality in types of ghettos.”

It’s necessary to play hide-and-seek with Chinese police who don’t hesitate to use strong-arm tactics.

“There have been slip-ups. There have been deaths. Africans have been blamed for bank card frauds, some cons and various fraudulent business schemes. The investigations don’t always put things in perspective. There is stereotyping. In some places there have been virtual mob manhunts.”

Ghettos, police brutality… the same old story.

White man oppresses anyone who is different from him in skin color only.

Or the yellow man.


Same old story: white people are evil.

Chinese also fear the sexual prowess of the mighty Mandingo. Because although all races are exactly the same in every way except for skin color, as the media has repeatedly proven, black men are sexually superior to white supremacist chinks. The evidence is in. Africans also have less AIDS, even though they’re exactly the same.

Translation via Diversity Macht Frei.