Africans in France Terrify French Women with Replica Guns to Expose “Racism”

Daily Stormer
March 7, 2016


In a social “Prank” experiment a group of Africans in France wanted to expose the “systematic racism” that exists in Europe by showing how Europeans, especially women, immediately run for their lives when being threatened with a gun by 6 foot black men. This is terrible timing as just recently over 130 unarmed Frenchmen were brutally butchered in an Islamist killing spree in Paris. Obviously these French women are very intolerant. Every armed “refugee” threatening your life with a gun must be accepted with open arms (and legs). You don’t want to be imprisoned for hate speech or thought crime now do you? This is also in response to the so-called “innocent, unarmed black youth” being shot in America by “violent, racist white cops”. Maybe this will give you some insight to exactly why these situations tend to escalate when the counterpart is allowed to own guns to defend themselves.

Back in 2011, the President of France called miscegenation (colloquially called “Racemixing”) a “Europan and national obligation”. If European women do not marry foreigners voluntarily “more coercive measures” must be taken to achieve this goal, as it is not a choice, he said.