Africans in Italy Hold Refugee Center Hostage: “Give Us More Money or We’ll Kill You”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 17, 2016


These Africans are simply escaping the brutal civil war in Syria, which was caused by the Russian invasion.

Of course they need more money to buy things, after all of the suffering they have suffered.

And why should they not be given more money? After all, whites have infinity money, which they gained when they stole civilization from Africa.

Daily Express:

Three African migrants ended up in jail after threatening to kill refugee centre workers unless they handed over more cash and improved the quality of food they served.

The men, one from Nigera and two from Gambia, sparked outage when they turned against the voluntary helpers.

The shocking incident erupted in at a refugee centre in the southern Italian town of Potenza.

According to local reports the men were given food, clothes and their daily allowance of £3.30 but became angry and shouted: “If you don’t give us more money and better food, we will kill you”.

The migrants kidnapped the two aid workers, threatened to cut their throats and tried to spark a riot in the shelter facility which is run by a co-operative.

Police were called and the three men were detained and spent three days in jail before being freed without further action.

Thank God they freed them.

Still, I think three days is wayyyyy too long to keep someone in prison simply for kidnapping people, holding knives to their throats and threatening to murder them.

The fact that they were arrested for this at all just shows how backward and racist Italy is.

I mean, come on – when’s the last time you heard of a white person getting arrested for kidnapping an aid worker and threatening to slit their throat if they’re not given better food and more free money?

Italy is basically a Nazi country.

We need to heal the wounds caused by racism and white people.