Daily Slave
August 18, 2014

Having 4 billion Blacks in Africa is quite the scary thought considering most of them behave like totally unhinged savages. It doesn’t matter what environment they operate in, this is how most of them behave. Look at how the Blacks destroyed Detroit in only a few decades. This was one of America’s most modern cities in the early to mid 20th century and now it looks like the third world.
It is also worth noting that these depopulation conspiracies that everyone talks about have obviously failed if Africa’s population is expected to rise to such numbers.
“The future of humanity is increasingly African.” That’s the prediction in a new UNICEF report, which estimates that by the end of this century, 40 percent of the world’s people will be African – up from 15 percent now. The continent’s population currently sits at roughly 1.2 billion but will soar to more than 4 billion by 2100. Nearly a billion will live in Nigeria alone.
In a report released Wednesday, UNICEF projected the growth of Africa’s child population within the next century. And the numbers are staggering.
An estimated 1.8 billion births will take place in Africa in the next 35 years, the authors predict. By 2050, Africa will have almost a billion children under 18, making up nearly 40 percent of kids worldwide.
Lead author David Anthony tells NPR’s Melissa Block on All Things Considered that even the researchers were surprised by the findings. “[We] knew that the world’s population was swinging toward Africa,” he says. “But there have been new estimates released by the U.N. population division … that shows an even stronger swing than we have anticipated.”
Fertility rates have fallen in Africa but remain high compared to the rest of the world. Meanwhile, the number of women of reproductive age has grown enormously and is set to more than double in the next 35 years.