Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 1, 2014

After allegedly finding the ratlike bodies of the allegedly captured Jew teenagers buried in the West Bank, the filthy Jews have begun bombing Palestine indiscriminately.
They are slaughtering God only knows how many innocent people over an act that was clearly carried out by an individual.
Israel Air Force strikes 34 targets in Gaza; rockets explode in southern Israel; Israeli forces blow up homes of suspected kidnappers in Hebron; Netanyahu: Hamas is responsible and will pay; Obama strongly condemns murders, calls on sides to avoid escalation; Hamas: Israeli version of events cannot be trusted.
Though I don’t think whoever killed these Jew boys did anything wrong, as they were trespassing on Arab territory, collective blame may, as a concept, have merit. But of course, the sickening Jew says “Palestinians killed these boys so Palestine will pay,” but when we say “Jews run Hollywood,” they respond by claiming they are all individuals. And that comparison doesn’t even really work, as there are thousands of Jews running Hollywood while all working together and all other Jews are aware of this fact, while it was probably two or three individual Arabs who killed these Jew boys.
Again, we see that one type of thought is presented to the goyim, while the Jews adhere to a completely different morality.
Final Countdown
Remember when I told you Hell was going to break loose in 2014?
Well, between the escalating tensions with Russia, the attempts to crush rising nationalism in Europe, the ISIS crisis and this new insane war on Palestine that just started right now – it’s happening.