Islam Versus Europe
December 19, 2013

The struggle against internet anonymity is back. After Harlem Désir, on Monday on BFM-TV, it’s François Hollande, while receiving on the same day the Conseil représentatif des institutions juives de France [Representative Council of the Jewish Institutions of France], who targeted “the tranquillity of anonymity on the internet”.
“We are working with Jean-Marc Ayrault [tn: French prime minister] (…) to prevent the tranquillity of anonymity that allows unspeakable things to be said without being found,” declared the president.
Source: Le Monde
We’ve seen in Sweden over the last couple of weeks how vital internet anonymity is in the totalitarian states we live in. Immigration critics, even anti-feminists, have been “exposed”, deprived of their livelihoods and even subjected to bomb attacks because they were stripped of their anonymity. Nonetheless, you can be sure the pseudo-Counterjihad movement, or CounterJewhad* movement as I’m now going to call it, won’t be taking about this initiative, even though they would be among the foremost victims of it. That’s how mind-fucked these people are. Too frightened to even name the people who’re attacking them, never mind defend themselves against them. They have the mindset of the conquered.
* The CounterJewhad movement. Definition: the part of the Counterjihad movement that considers its primary mission to be representing the interests of Jewry, and attacking the enemies of Jewry, rather than resisting Islam per se; in practice, this means almost all of it; the CounterJewhad movement exhibits, at best, a partial overlap with the real Counterjihad movement