After One Death and Multiple Arrests, Ammon Bundy Tells Followers to Give Up

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 28, 2016


Ammon Bundy led a team of men on a cattle-grazing liberation campaign (which was somehow related to Mormonism) against the government. Now, with one of his followers dead and several arrested and facing serious prison time, he is calling for the rest of his followers to give up.

This is a clear betrayal of his own cause. He is admitting openly that it was futile from the beginning. Nothing good, whatsoever, has come from this weird event.

Daily Mail:

The arrested leader of the group Ammon Bundy has called on his followers to pull out of the wildlife reserve in a statement released through his lawyer Mike Arnold.

According to the statement, Bundy said: ‘To those remaining at the refuge, I love you. Let us take this fight from here. Please stand down. Go home and hug your families. This fight is ours for now in the courts.’

They can’t go home and hug their families – they are all going to jail after following you into a criminal conspiracy.

The militia leader praised his ‘beloved friend’ Robert LaVoy Finicum who was shot dead during the incident which led to Bundy’s arrest.

He said: ‘LaVoy is one of the greatest men and greatest patriots I have ever seen. I mourn for him and his family.

‘Right now I am asking the federal government to allow the people at the refuge to go home without being prosecuted.’

Haha. Yeah, I’m sure they’ll not prosecute them because you asked them not to.

Just like when I was sure they were going to let someone out of prison because you asked them to.

Last week there were believed to be 30 people, including women and children at the wildlife reserve, although this figure is believed to have dropped as a result of the corden being enforced around the facility.

Special agent Greg Bretzing of the FBI’s Portland office said: ‘We will continue to look for safe, peaceful procedures on how to bring this to a peaceful conclusion.’

Harney County Sheriff David Ward said: ‘It’s time for everybody in this illegal occupation to move on. There doesn’t have to be bloodshed in our community.’

In a livestream that has been broadcasting from the protest site, an armed man was seen urging supporters to join them and to kill any law enforcement officer who tried to prevent their entry.

‘There are no laws in this United States now! This is a free-for-all Armageddon!’ the man yelled into the camera. ‘(If) they stop you from getting here, kill them!’

Yeah. Give your life for a cattle-grazing crusade. Even though the leader of your crusade has already admitted that it failed, and one man is dead and several going to prison for no reason anyone can explain.

Look: I’m not saying these people didn’t have legitimate issues, or whatever, but this “occupation” and shootout with the government has accomplished absolutely nothing. And it was clear from the beginning it was not going to accomplish anything.

From the advent of governments, it has been a fact that the only way you can force a government to do something is through popular support. It was clear from the outset of this protest that they were not going to get popular support, because no one even understood what they were protesting.

It was bound to end in disaster. And now it has ended in disaster.

I said from the beginning that this whole thing seemed pointless, and I was criticized and even called a fed. No, the leader of the operation is admitting it was pointless.

Seems I’ve been vindicated, again.

This libertarian “ideological” stuff doesn’t go anywhere. We’ve seen that. And hopefully, this whole Oregon disaster will serve to demonstrate to people that libertarianism – regardless of the fact it does tackle some important issues – is a completely ineffective method of combating the system.