Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 19, 2015

So, Ramadi has fallen to ISIS.
And no one feels very good about this. Except me, I don’t actually even care that this is happening.
ISIS forces pushed east Monday from their fresh victory in Ramadi as the Iraqi government rushed reinforcements to shore up defensive lines meant to stop the terror group’s advance.
Iraqi and U.S. officials promised eventual defeat for the self-proclaimed Islamic State, but the loss of the strategically and symbolically important city of Ramadi — just 110 kilometers (70 miles) west of Iraq’s heavily fortified capital of Baghdad — had taken its toll.
“This is a huge setback to Iraqi forces and to the U.S. strategy to degrade and ultimately defeat ISIS,” said retired U.S. Army Col. Peter Mansoor, a CNN military analyst.
You know who does care though?
John “Like a Rock” Boehner.
The heavyweight war-enthusiast said:
As I’ve said again and again, if we’re going to win this fight we need a broad, overarching strategy to defeat and destroy our terrorist enemies. While this is something that only President Obama, as commander-in-chief, can do, the president should know that the U.S. House of Representatives is ready to work with him to ensure our troops – as well as our Middle East partners – have the resources they need to carry out their missions.
Last week the House passed legislation with bipartisan support to reinforce our mission against ISIL. This legislation authorizes resources for security assistance to Iraqi forces, approves a pilot program to counter propaganda efforts and reaffirms our commitment to working with the sovereign Government of Iraq to bring peace and stability to the region. We hope President Obama will reconsider his opposition to this important legislation, which fully funds the president’s defense requests for fiscal year 2016, and stand ready to do what it takes to defeat these brutal terrorists and keep America safe.
Boner is quite clearly attempting to start another war with Iraq. This will be number three. Based on the same wacky argument that somehow these monkeys are going to come over and attack us in America.
How could they possibly get here, John? These people are prehistoric. And you’re going to tell us they’re a threat to America? What’re they gonna do, ride their camels across the ocean, land in New Jersey and start hitting people with whips?
That isn’t going to happen, John, and people who have no ability to reach anywhere near your country cannot possibly be a threat to it.
Oh, right…

So yeah, I guess since we have to allow hundreds of thousands of Syrians into the US during a war with Syria, because of morality or the Holocaust or whatever, we are going to have to engage in a full-blown war with Iraq to stop these immigrants from blowing things up in America.
When you put it that way, Johnny, it makes perfect sense.
Let’s get those “advisers” on the ground and see if we can’t pour another $2 trillion down this bottomless desert pit!
America! Go Freedom!