After Yahoo! Finally Rids Itself of Destructive Female CEO, Kike Media Whines That She Didn’t Get More Money

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 14, 2017

Well. She’s got nice legs. Dumber than dogshit though.

So, this stupid bitch totally destroyed Yahoo!

We watched this in real time – the destruction of this company – it was like watching Godzilla wreck Tokyo. The company is worth less than zero dollars.

And the fake news media is whining that the FUCKING WHITE MALE who will replace her is going to get paid more.


Even after Yahoo goes through with the sale of its core business, it will still pay its top executives handsomely—and in some cases, even better than it did before.

In announcing a plan for the company’s future Monday, Yahoo (yhoo) said it had picked a new CEO to replace Marissa Mayer once its deal with Verizon (vz) officially closes. Yahoo is selling its technology and advertising business to Verizon, and the remaining company will consist only of the hoard of Alibaba (baba) stock that Yahoo owns, its stake in Yahoo Japan, and a miscellaneous array of smaller investments.

Running the leftover stump of Yahoo is likely to be a much simpler and easier job than the one Mayer had, from which she is walking away with a $23 million severance package. Add to that the $69 million worth of unexercised stock options awarded to Mayer, plus the $97 million of Yahoo stock she already owns (which she’ll be free to sell when she leaves the company), and Mayer’s net worth is set to increase by about $189 million. (That’s even after she voluntarily gave up about $20 million of her annual stock bonus this year after taking fire for the cyber attacks Yahoo recently suffered. It’s also significantly more than Fortune’s estimate two months ago of $141 million for Mayer’s total payday, thanks to new equity grants and stock price appreciation in the meantime.)

This is like a divorce settlement.

Actually, that’s exactly what it is.

And still they’re like “how outrageous that a man gets paid more than a woman.”

But Mayer’s replacement, Thomas McInerney, seems in many ways to be getting an even sweeter deal. McInerney, the former chief executive of IAC (iac) (the Internet media company once known as InterActiveCorp, which owns dating sites including (mtch)), will get a starting base salary of $2 million to become Yahoo’s new CEO, according to the offer letter made public Monday. That’s double the $1 million base salary that Mayer currently takes home.

What’s more, Yahoo actually expects to pay McInerney $4 million in his first year working there, assuming he earns his target bonus, which is equal to his base salary, according to the company’s new disclosures. That’s 25% more than the $3 million the company is paying Mayer for a salary and cash bonus this year. On top of that, McInerney will also be eligible for as much as $24 million in annual stock awards. If he were to receive the maximum amount, it would also be twice as much as Mayer’s grant in 2015, the last full year before the Verizon deal was announced.

No one argues about the fact that Mayer destroyed the company. This was one of the worst disasters in the history of capitalism.

No one could criticize or fire her because she was the only high profile female CEO.

It was like with Chairman Pao over at Reddit. Except Pao they could criticize more, because she was a gook, and in the Jew system, gook women are not as low as white men of course, but they’re lower than white women.

It’s like that meltface bitch, what’s her name. Carly Fiorina. She did this to HP.

Women should not be heads of companies. Instead, they should be locked in cages.