Wall Street Journal
September 4, 2013

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved a resolution Wednesday authorizing President Barack Obama to conduct military strikes against Syria.
The 10-7 vote came after the panel added a provision stating that U.S. policy aims to “change the momentum on the battlefield” in the Syrian civil war, in order to force President Bashar al-Assad to agree to a negotiated settlement that ends the conflict and paves the way for a democratic government. The full Senate and House must still approve the resolution.
President Barack Obama is seeking congressional approval for strikes in Syria that he has described as “limited.” Some lawmakers, including Sen. John McCain (R., Ariz.), have said the use of force must be part of a broader objective of changing the dynamic on the battlefield in the civil war.
Mr. McCain had insisted the resolution state that U.S. policy is to “change the momentum” in the war. An amendment which added that language, sponsored by Mr. McCain and Sen. Chris Coons (D., Del.), also called for an increase in U.S. efforts to provide lethal and non-lethal support for vetted elements of the Syrian rebel opposition.
The amendment was adopted by a voice vote by panel members.
The resolution passed with a bipartisan margin of 10-7, with one member, Sen. Edward Markey (D., Mass.), voting “present.”
Seven Democrats voted for the resolution: Mr. Coons, Robert Menendez of New Jersey, Barbara Boxer of California, Benjamin Cardin of Maryland, Jean Shaheen of New Hampshire, Dick Durbin of Illinois and Tim Kaine of Virginia. They were joined by Republicans Bob Corker of Tennessee, and Mr. McCain and Jeff Flake of Arizona.