Aide Caught Connecting Clinton Foundation to State Department, Trump Calls for Investigation

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 23, 2016

hillary seizure

tfw you get caught again


Fox News:

A senior executive at the Clinton Foundation left almost 150 telephone messages for Hillary Clinton’s top aide at the State Department within a two-year time frame, according to previously unpublished documents obtained by Fox News.

A review of State Department call logs for Cheryl Mills, the longtime Clinton confidant who served as chief of staff for the entirety of Clinton’s four-year tenure as America’s top diplomat, reflects at least 148 messages from Laura Graham – then the Clinton Foundation’s chief operating officer – between 2010 and 2012. No other individual or non-profit appears in the logs with anything like that frequency or volume, the review found.

One of the messages Graham left for Mills, in August 2011, referenced “our boss” – without further identifying that individual. Another, from January 2012, appeared to reference former President Clinton, using his initials: “Please call. WJC is looking for her [Graham] and she wants to talk to you before she talks to him.”

The telephone records were released by the State Department to the conservative advocacy group Citizens United as part of a long-running lawsuit over the Freedom of information Act.

State Department spokesman Mark Toner said he could not provide “a read-out of every one of those messages or every one of those calls,” nor estimate how many of them were returned. But he acknowledged that Mills and Graham never shared the same boss and insisted the department “always” acted under Clinton to advance U.S. foreign policy interests, “with no other intent in mind beyond that.”

“Secretary Clinton’s ethics agreement at the time [she assumed office] did not preclude other State Department officials from engaging with, or having contact with, the Clinton Foundation,” Toner said.

Judicial Watch yesterday did a huge email dump showing Huma – a known terrorist infiltrator – negotiating influence deals for Clinton Foundation donors while working as the first aide for Clinton in the State Department.


This is all just open and public now. Sure, there are more secrets, but the shape of the thing – the Clinton Foundation as a bribery machine, where international forces funnel money to Clinton for the purpose of buying influence on US policy – is crystal clear.

We know. There isn’t room for doubt about what is going on.

And yet, a significant portion of the people – women, in particular – are just like “well, it’s not as bad as hurting the feelings of brown people with mean words.”

The Leader is calling for action against the Foundation.

Here’s Fox and Friends:

Best quote: “everything is a scam with them – like grifters.”

Here’s a section from the rally speech:


Hillary Clinton leads in the polls nationally and in key battleground states, but the flood of stories regarding her private email server and donations to the Clinton Foundation demonstrate the former secretary of state won’t be able to completely outrun voter skepticism — or Donald Trump.

Trump went on offense Monday, using the bulk of a speech in Akron, Ohio, to attack Clinton.

No issue better illustrates how corrupt my opponent is than her pay for play scandals as secretary of state,” Trump said.

“I’ve become increasingly shocked by the vast scope of Hillary Clinton’s criminality. It’s criminality. Everybody knows it,” he said as the crowd erupted in a sea of “Lock her up!” chants.




The amounts involved, the favors done and the significant numbers of times it was done require an expedited investigation by a special prosecutor immediately, immediately, immediately,” Trump said. “After the FBI and Department of Justice whitewash of the Clinton email crimes, they certainly cannot be trusted to quickly or impartially investigate Hillary Clinton’s new crimes, which happen all the time.”

During an appearance on “Jimmy Kimmel” Monday night, Clinton brushed off any concerns about the release of additional emails after a federal judge Monday gave the State Department until next month to come up with a plan for making public thousands of emails that the FBI recovered as part of its probe into Clinton’s use a private email server.

“Jimmy, my emails are so boring,” she said. “And I’m embarrassed about that. They’re so boring. So we’ve already released, I don’t know, 30,000 plus, so what’s a few more?”

She also gave a weird response on her health to Kimmel.

wtf is this crap?

Trump also encouraged his supporters to “watch” on Election Day, raising the specter of voter fraud: “When I say ‘watch,’ you know what I’m talking about.” Recently, Trump had warned that the November election could be “rigged.”

Trump supporter Sen. Jeff Sessions suggested that the Democratic presidential candidate used her high position to “extort” from international governments for her family’s foundation.

“The fundamental thing is you can not be Secretary of State of the United States of America and use that position to extort or seek contributions to your private foundation,” he told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota on “New Day” Tuesday. “That is a fundamental violation of law and that does appear to have happened.”

For Trump, the controversies are a welcome opportunity to push the idea that Clinton is part of the Washington establishment and can’t be trusted to shun special interests. A Washington Post/ABC News poll from earlier this month showed that 59% of voters believe that Clinton is not honest and trustworthy.

Trump bluntly argued that Clinton’s actions at the State Department amounted to corruption, even suggesting Clinton was at the center of a racketeering scheme.

We are going to take government away from the special interests that give her tens of millions of dollars so that she can broadcast absolutely phony ads about me and we’re going to give it back to the voters,” Trump vowed. “Come November 8th, we are once again going to have a government that serves you and your family and your country, not the special interests, the donors and the lobbyists.

A government of the people, for the people and by DONALD TRUMP!




It’s a good time for Trump to go on offense against Clinton. She is spending most of the week fundraising, with several high-dollar events in California. His campaign is also keen on reminding people that Clinton hasn’t had a press conference in months — and therefore hasn’t had to answer repeated questions on each new development.

Without looking it up, I think it’s been 262 days.

Trump’s attacks aside, stories emerging over the past few days from a federal courtroom, Capitol Hill and an event on Long Island show it doesn’t take much to get the issue of Clinton’s emails and the Clinton Foundation back into the news cycle.

Clinton got some bad news from a federal judge Monday, who gave the State Department until September 23 to determine a plan on how to release nearly 15,000 documents the FBI had obtained as part of its investigation into her private email server — possibly creating a timeline where thousands of emails could be made public right before Election Day.

Here’s the full Akron rally.