Airline Asks Coalburner to Prove She Owns Disgusting Nigger Child

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 31, 2018

So the airline staff sees this bitch with a nigger child and they’re like “yeah, she must have kidnapped that nigger child and be planning to take it somewhere and drown it in a bucket like a raccoon. I guess we have to stop her…”

Because that is obviously a lot more logical than that a white woman fucked a nigger, gave birth to its spawn and is then carrying around the little mutant in public.

Huffington Post:

A Southwest Airlines employee asked a college basketball coach over the weekend to “prove” that her biracial son was hers, the woman said Monday.

Lindsay Gottlieb, the head women’s basketball coach at the University of California at Berkeley, said she was flying from Denver to Oakland with her 1-year-old son, Jordan, when the airline employee requested his birth certificate.

Gottlieb said she didn’t have the official document, though offered his passport, which lists him as having a different last name.

“She said, well, how do I know that you’re the mother?” Gottlieb recalled to KPIX News. Gottlieb is white, and Jordan’s father is black.

“Bitch, you expect me to believe you fucked a nigger, got pregnant, then didn’t have an abortion?”

Not satisfied, Gottlieb said, the employee asked her to “prove” that she’s the child’s mother by showing a Facebook post instead.

Gottlieb tweeted about the experience, calling it “demeaning and insensitive, not to mention inefficient,” and suspects that it wasn’t her son’s last name but his skin color that caused the holdup.

Fucking smug whore.

“How dare they question my right to my social-signaling trophy!”

But she’s loving this attention.

The whole world looking at her like “oh, what a good person she must be, fucking a nigger and then not aborting the niglet.”

No one really thinks that though. They just think they are supposed to think it. Because Jews told them that.