Al Gore Meets with Donald Trump

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 5, 2016

Nobel Peace Prize laureate and former U.S. Vice President Al Gore exits after a meeting with U.S. President-elect Donald Trump at Trump Tower in Manhattan, New York

Maybe Trump is considering putting Al Gore in charge of the internet.

That would make sense, because he invented it.


Former Vice President Al Gore, a leading voice in the fight against climate change, and Donald Trump, who at one point called it a hoax, met on Monday in what Gore called a “productive” session.

Gore, a Democrat, spent about 90 minutes in meetings at the president-elect’s Trump Tower apartment and office building in Manhattan. In addition to seeing Trump, he also met briefly with the Republican’s daughter, Ivanka, who attended a series of high-level meetings since her father won the Nov. 8 election.

As he campaigned for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton earlier this year, Gore warned that Trump would steer the world toward “climate catastrophe” if elected president.

That warning came amid Trump campaign speeches calling on the United States to drop out of last year’s global climate accord signed in Paris to lower carbon emissions blamed for a warming planet.

Trump also referred to human-induced climate change as a hoax, and had tweeted that “the concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.”

Gore had a somewhat more upbeat take on Trump after huddling with the wealthy New York real estate developer and television reality star.

“It was a sincere search for areas of common ground,” Gore told reporters, adding, “I found it an extremely interesting conversation and, to be continued.”

I sincerely hope Trump keeps up the position that global warming is a hoax, because it obviously is a total hoax.

The only possible use for this hoax is using it as an excuse to sterilize Africans, Moslems and other third-worlders. But that is never how it’s used. Instead, it is used to attempt to deindustrialize the West. At the same time, they are actually encouraging out-of-control breeding by monkey people.

Anyway, yeah – I’m not worried about this meeting. Trump is obviously just demonstrating to all of the people of the country that he is willing to listen to all sides before making decisions. I think that’s a good policy.