Daily Stormer
March 6, 2014

The race war in America continues to heat up, fueled by the insane black supremacy of the president, and exacerbated exponentially when the Mexican Batman George Zimmerman was deemed to have acted appropriately when he executed Obama’s son Trayvon Martin.
Down in Alabama on Tuesday, an abortion debate got hot, when a Democrat black claimed that all White people would want their daughters to have an abortion if they got pregnant by a black man.
From AL:
A debate Tuesday over a bill to ban abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected turned to race after Rep. Mary Sue McClurkin, R-Indian Springs, compared her bill to Brown vs. the Board of Education.
But during the debate, Rep. Alvin Holmes, D-Montgomery, said that his Republican colleagues would support abortion if their daughters were impregnated by black men.
“Ninety-nine percent of the all of the white people in here are going to raise their hand that they are against abortion,” he said. “On the other hand, 99 percent of the whites who are sitting in here now, if their daughter got pregnant by a black man, they are going to make their daughter have an abortion.”
The audio is the funniest thing since those two rappers went to Syria to fight for Assad. Alabama is quite a place.
Not that this actually has anything to do with the abortion debate – that is a sneaky, divisive thing he did there, bringing the integration debate in – but is it true that the majority of White conservatives would rather see their daughter get an abortion than give birth to a black child? Would they let the baby run all around the living room, and up in the den, or would they just eliminate it before birth?
My thought is that most pro-life parents are responsible enough to raise their daughters in such a way as they won’t ever be around blacks. But if it did happen, I imagine that American conservatives would be split 50/50.