Alex “Jew Wife” Jones Claims It was Germany’s Fault That 21 Million Germans Died During WWII

Lee Rogers
Daily Slave
December 3, 2014

What have you done this time, Fat Man?
What have you done this time, Fat Man?

It is hard to believe that Alex Jones could sink to a new low, but once more he has.

On his Monday December 1st, 2014 show, he actually claimed that the death of 21 million Germans during World War II was the fault of Germany itself.  He basically alluded to Adolf Hitler being the most evil man ever to live while mentioning nothing about the Jewish infestation of the German culture, the Jewish declaration of war on Germany and other important events that led towards the National Socialists taking power and the war of aggression against them which followed.

Apparently Jones thinks that the massive bombing campaigns by allied forces on German civilians throughout World War II were somehow the fault of the Germans.  The most famous horrible of the bombings was the allied bombing of Dresden, which resulted in an untold number of deaths.  How the hell could anyone possibly say that these deaths were the fault of the German people?  This is no different than the Jews claiming that it was the Palestinians fault that they dropped thousands of bombs on women and children in the Gaza Strip.  It is a completely ridiculous statement, but Jones has made a career out of making ridiculous statements, so I guess this should not be any big surprise.

Skip to 8:30 in the below clip to watch him make this absurd statement.

Of course, this is not the first time he’s made bizarre anti-German statements. Recently he claimed that 100,000 people were killed by the National Socialists as a result of the Night of the Long Knives.  Jones stated that 50,000 died during the actual event and another 50,000 died throughout the following week.  The Night of the Long Knives is the term given to describe an event when the National Socialists purged and neutralized a number of political opponents.  Prominent historians have said that 87 people died during this event, but Jones decided to add another 100,000+ because he thinks that bashing Germans is hip and edgy.

Jones should be trolled once again for these comments.  His Jewish wife and Jewish sponsors have made him one of the most vile pro-Jewish and anti-German political commentators in the world today.  We cannot let him get away with making statements like these.