Alex Jones Forces His Pet Black to Interview Race War Journalist

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 5, 2013

"He a goo man, Massa Jones.  He ain't like when I bees do a bad thang, but he always be tell me ahm goo when I does a goo thang." -Jakari Jackson on receiving orders as to the days field work from Massa Jones.
“He a goo man, Massa Jones. He ain’t like when I bees do a bad thang, and suntines he-a crackin dat whip, but he allys be tell me ahm goo when I does a goo thang.” -Jakari Jackson on receiving orders as to the days field work from Massa Jones.

The obese shill Alex Jones is obsessed with marketing, always picking up on all the latest trends.  I have said before that I believe his Jew wife, a marketing expert, plays a lead role in his refined technique of tapping into what the people are interested in, and exploiting it for a profit.  Thus, it is no surprise that as we in the White National movement rise, Jones was forced to get in on it.  The way he did this is absolutely sick and hilarious.

First, he made a connection with the most feeble of race war journalists, the Jew-denier Colin Flaherty, author of a poorly written compilation of stories of black violence entitled “White Girl Bleed a Lot,” which the author promotes like he is on some type of psychotic rampage (his entire website is a series of advertisements, and every ‘article’ he writes for WND is nothing more than an advertisement). Having located a willing comrade, Jones preceded to do the thing that any soulless marketeer with a desire to tap into race war hysteria while maintaining an anti-racist, egalitarian image would do and arranged for his token black employee to interview him.

The results were exactly as you would expect.

Witness it.

Makes a mild-mannered man squirm in his seat.

Jones hired the dim-witted black, Jakari Jackson, as part of a push about a year ago to expand his multimillion dollar empire of lies by employing amateur journalists to do low-quality interviews with people no one cares about between commercials for water filters and gold coins on his “Nightly News” internet television broadcast.  He clearly hired him solely for his race, as the man is completely incompetent and often gets confused, seemingly not knowing where he is, during the middle of interviews.  Thankfully, most of Jones’ viewers are too high on crystal meth, hopped up on goji berries or schizophrenic to notice this peculiar behavior.

Good News, Boys

The fact that Jones has now been forced to recognize the race war reality is important, regardless of the ridiculous, disgusting manner in which he chose to do it.  It shows that we, in the pro-White movement are having a serious effect on the narrative of the old guard half-truth movement.

We need to continue to press Jones to publicly debate me on the following issues:

  • The Holocaust
  • Jewish control of everything
  • Jewish Libertarianism
  • His Jew wife

I do not think there is any chance he will agree to the debate, but as I have demanded it, and he has not acknowledged my demands, it proves to everyone that he is a slimy, lying shill, obsessed with covering up the Jewish problem and denying Whites the right to acknowledge their magnificent racial heritage.