Lee Rogers
Daily Slave
October 25, 2014

Things are not looking good at the central Texas command center, as Alex Jones has managed to slowly transform himself into yet another fake conservative talk show host. The vast majority of his old audience is gone, having been replaced primarily with Fox News viewers, Kosher friendly conservative talk radio listeners and young beta males. Having already embraced Jews like Michael Savage and Matt Drudge who are staples of the fake pro-Jew brand of American conservative media, it is obvious which side he chose. Needless to say, he chose poorly.
It seems as if his popularity has peaked. Due to his inability to expose the Jewish power structure, an increasing number of people have gotten fed-up with his constant lies and gross exaggerations about historical events. His crazy-insane antics certainly haven’t helped his cause. He continues to do everything in his power to not talk about Jews. If he has to make up bizarre conspiracies in order to avoid the issue, he will do so.
Take for example his recent coverage on Barack Obama’s Ebola Czar, who is a Jew named Ron Klain. Instead of exposing the fact that he’s a Jew, Jones decided to focus on how Klain supports a depopulation plan to kill off Africans. I couldn’t stomach listening to his entire show, but he probably tied Klain’s appointment as Ebola Czar to some vast government conspiracy to depopulate Africans with the Ebola virus. Even though there are “population control” schemes which have been thrown around by various elites, it is obvious that they have not been implemented, with the “flood the entire world with Negroes” Jew agenda winning out over any logical agenda to cull the Negro.

His staff is even posting stupid videos about how the Walking Dead TV show supposedly predicted the Ebola virus outbreak in a sad attempt to generate web traffic.
With this type of madness continuing, it is easy to see why his web rankings are in free fall.
Alex Jones has sold his soul to the Jewish power structure. He has married a Jewish wife who has produced Jewish children and he has almost exclusively Jewish sponsors which keep his media operation going. He is in a position where he can’t reverse course.
To expose the Jewish power structure would mean that he would be divorced and his Jewish wife would take most of his net worth. He’d also lose his Jewish sponsors and his operation would crumble around him.
Clearly our informational assaults on his media operation have been effective. We must keep up the pressure and hopefully drive his pro-Jew shill enterprise into bankruptcy. If this trend continues, we will likely see Jones spiral into a cycle of chronic drug use where he will ponder his own suicide.
Andrew Anglin contributed to this report.