Alex Jones Responds Positively to Jones Iver Folk Singer Version of Himself

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 19, 2017

A fantastic folk song with lyrics by Alex Jones was released and went semi-viral this week, and Jones has responded with grave positivity.

Nick Lutsko recorded “Jones Iver” taking the words of Alex Jones and setting them to a tune that sounds like a Bon Iver song.

Great stuff.

Jones thanked the artist.

He also accepted that he is a meme and likes it.

I like that Alex Jones is a meme also.

Out of all the non-Alt-Right alternative media people, he is the best by far these days. He’s cut out talking about all that kooky stuff he talked about in the 00s.

And no, I don’t have some kind of deal with him where I go easy on him and redirect all my Alt-Lite hate towards McInnes and that Jabba the Hutt bitch whatsherfat.

I probably should have made some kind of deal like that before I started being easier on him… but basically, he’s gone far enough right now that pretty much his audience is hovering right in our orbit. Plus, even when I was attacking him on the reg I always thought he was a great personality, regardless of anything political.

But honestly, playing Megyn [sic] Kelly like he did sealed it.

That was so, so funny.


And for those who don’t remember the aughts – he’s who the Jones song was parodying.