Alex Jones Says Obama is the New Hitler, He Likes Farrakhan Better Than Duke

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 7, 2015

In the above video, Alex Jones claims that Obama is the Black version of Hitler. He also claims that “White supremacists” are trying to shut down his YouTube channel, while complaining about him censoring them.

The clip features a call from a Black male. I guess the majority of Alex’s audience is probably now Black.

But how can they afford $500 bottles of penis juice?

This penis juice retails for  $899.70 - but Alex Jewns will give it to you for a mere $499.90! He is losing money on this deal, folks, but he cares personally about your virility!
This penis juice retails for $899.70 – but Alex Jewns will give it to you for a mere $499.90! That’s a total savings of $399.80! He is losing money on this deal, folks, but he cares personally about your sexual virility! This is not snake oil – it will actually literally make your penis bigger!

Anyway, this Obama-Hitler thing.

What does it mean?

The only similarity I can even manage to think up is that they both served as heads of state. That is where the similarities end. I mean, I guess Obama dresses well, as did Hitler.

Hitler dressed better,
Hitler dressed better,
but hey, Obama knows how to wear a suit. I can give him that.
but hey, Obama knows how to wear a suit. I can give him that.

The good news (I guess) is that apparently, besides the Blacks, no one other than shocked Nazis are watching these YouTube videos at this point.

All comments are pro-HItler and anti-Jew
All comments are pro-HItler and anti-Jew

Jones: I Agree More with Farrakhan Than Duke

In more news, as Infowars collapses, Alex came out and said that he agrees more with Louis Farrakhan than David Duke.

Here in this video, start at about 1:18:00:

For those who don’t know – presumably, most of you do – Farrakhan has, in recent months, taken to calling for Blacks to “stalk and kill” White people.

Christian Examiner
Christian Examiner

So Jones says he supports this guy, then says we’re the ones trying to start a race war? That kindly ol’ David Duke is a shape-shifting wolf?

Keep trolling this guy. He’s a lolcow. And he’s about to break.

I will be known as the man who broke the Fat.
We will be known as the man who broke the Fat.

Broke with the Jew Wife?

There is a theory that Jones may be flirting with anti-Semitism because he’s divorcing his Jew wife.

While I don’t think that is happening, because his connections to the Jews are so much deeper than his wife, it would be interesting to know.

I did a bit of internet detective work, and found that he transferred his house to his wife March 24th. On the same day, the ownership of the house was transferred to a trust, apparently. Someone who knows more than me about these things will know what that means. The wife and/or the trust is now selling the house.

Beautiful waterfront property on over 6 acres of land! Located at the end of a private drive, this home is loaded with amenities: a basketball court, sauna, outdoor dining area, private boat dock, stone fireplace, and spectacular views throughout. Gourmet kitchen includes stone countertops, viking range, and subzero refrigerator. Glastron boat included in the sale. Architectural design by Christopher Alexander.

It’s only $899,000. I’m thinking of buying it.

Last year, Alex removed power of attorney from the wife. Which generally implies things aren’t going well.

This is all Alex’s personal business, of course. Don’t mean to pry. I am concerned about politics, not people’s personal crap.

But maybe, just maybe, if the Jew wife Jews him over completely in a divorce, then maybe this will change his politics? Especially since he sees that he can’t possibly go on with this “Hitler is controlling everything to try to harm the Blacks” line.

Anyway, I just want to state this clearly:

If you jump ship, Alex, and stand up and fight these Jews, I will support you 100%.

All will be forgiven. Including whatever blackmail information they will release on you.

Clean slate.

None of it to ever be mentioned again.

And though you’ll lose your Jew sponsors, you’ll still have millions of dollars.

My arms are wide-open, Alex.
My arms are wide-open, Alex.

And think of it, Alex. You will go down in history as a hero, who turned against the dark side and joined the forces of light.

Remember this, Alex?

No one is irredeemable.
No one is irredeemable.