Daily Slave
January 29, 2015

If this clip doesn’t prove what a fraud Alex Jones is, than I don’t know what will. On a recent show, Jones actually said that the Zionist warmonger Sarah Palin is the “real deal.” But he didn’t stop there. He went on to claim that a presidential ticket featuring Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin would cause him to have some sort of “wet dream.” I don’t doubt him considering he has a Jewish wife, Jewish kids and a bunch of Jewish sponsors who have supported his whoring operation.
Contrast what he said a few days ago with what he said about Palin 5 years ago. Back in 2010 he said that Palin was a fraud who was handpicked by Henry Kissinger to be John McCain’s running mate in 2008.
I don’t necessarily fault Jones for changing his position on something, as anyone’s world view can change depending upon how events unfold. However, it is incomprehensible to me how anyone who is being honest with themselves could possibly have a favorable view of either Sarah Palin or Ted Cruz after having a negative view of Palin back in 2010. Both Palin and Cruz are unapologetic supporters of the Jewish terror state of Israel and support all of these insane foreign wars that have only been for the benefit of Jews. Neither of them are going to change anything.
Considering that things have gotten much worse, the people who have been honest with themselves have adopted much more hard line views. Specifically on Jews, Israel and the racial problems we have in America. They certainly are not claiming that Palin is someone worth supporting as Jones now is.
I originally approached things more from a Libertarian and Constitutional perspective which is why I supported Ron Paul back in 2008. When I saw that the campaign seemed to have been intentionally run into the ground, my views slowly became more and more hardcore. After several years passed, it became clear to me that the soft approach on issues like Jewish power, race relations and the illegal alien invasion were ineffective. Not to mention, I found very few minorities who were supportive of my political views.
So when I see the path I’ve taken, and I see the path Jones has taken, I can only conclude that he is being dishonest with himself and his audience. Even the comments under his JewTube clip where he declares his support for Palin are mostly negative. This clown is losing more and more support as it is becoming increasingly clear that he’s nothing but a gatekeeper for Jewish power.