Alison Rapp Says She’s the Victim, Video Game Nazis Coming for Her Family

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 11, 2016


Make-up free! Ouch!

Previously on the Alison Rapp scandal: Disgraced Nintendo Pedo Alison Rapp is a Literal Prostitute (Allegedly)

Alison Rapp has refused to address her hooking scandal, instead merely informing the concerned that she will talk about it later.


That obviously confirms that it is indeed her – as if we needed a confirmation.

This guy here.


She played up the whole victim thing.


As it stands, it does appear that Rapp was fired because she is a hooker. I had originally thought that her hooking account was only made after she knew she was getting let go, but since then people have found records of accounts going back to December of last year.

This whole thing could completely explode at any minute. Presumably, there is a pretty good chance she got her high-profile Nintendo job via connections made in her other profession.

This has certainly re-invigorated Gamergate. Good for them.

And what about her husband, Jason Rapp?



Well, as it turns out, he is an open cuckold, who had been posting about his cuckoldry on Twitter and elsewhere for a while now.

Null writes on Kiwi Farms:

After Alison Rapp’s escort service photos dropped, people began wondering about her husband. As it turns out, the two are in a “poly” relationship, allowing each other to take on different sexual partners. Jake has years long history talking publicly about being “poly”, and how life is living with someone else who takes on “poly” partners. He talks about being introduced to men by his wife to explore his “hetero-flex” side, all the while she’s fucking men for money.

It’s a saddening trail of tears that stretches back to the days of their marriage. Such a story hasn’t existed since Anthony Burch.

The man actually took Alison’s last name when they got married. Seriously.

Here’s a bit he wrote about his “polyamory” (this means letting your wife have sex with other men).


His tweets will make you even more angry.

Look at this faggotry.


And here his is with a Mass Effect toy reading a book about getting cucked. His wife gave him a book about how to get cucked and he read it with his toy.


You like Mass Effect, bro?

This dude has a tattoo from Mass Effect. From Mass Effect 3. The worst Mass Effect of all.


Wanna cringe harder?

Check it.


Presumably, he wasn’t with his wife on Valentine’s Day because she was having sex with another man for money.

Are you a masochist for cringing?

Because we’ve got more.

Check it.

pink apronzpRrLEO

You think it cannot get any worse?

You are wrong, friend. So, so wrong.

Check it.


This is heavy, heavy stuff.

I am so angry. Like flip the table and punch a hole through the door angry.

This man is representing our race. Imagine what the Moslems think when they see this. What they think of us, as a group, due to literal cuckolds like this.

We must ruin this person to the point where he disappears from the internet forever. He needs to be confronted on a massive scale with demands that he permanently exit public life, forever.

Hit him up.
