Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 22, 2014

Recently, the government of the US refused to deport the degenerate pervert and decadent cultural terrorist Justin Bieber. What sort of a government is it that actively protects dangerous social influencers who market sex, drugs and hanging out with black people to the youth?
Our society is deeply sick, and those who play the most active role in promoting this sickness are making mounds of cash from it.

Though we can blame the Jews for the degeneracy and evil on the highest level, they could not get away with it without their goyim lackeys in the entertainment media.
The collective behavior of famous people is one of the biggest crimes against humanity which has ever been committed. Any civilized society would round up all these celebrities and put them in camps, where they can learn the value of actual work, instead of simply acting like deviant sickos for cash.
All of these people are self-obsessed, and we literally pay them to caress their own egos, and they role-model the worst form of subhumanity to the children and otherwise impressionable persons.
Where we once had the gods, and then the Saints, we now have the celebrity. The gods and Saints taught us our values, and so now does the celebrity. We see the youth of the country repeating the behaviors they see from the celebrities, which results in a widespread obsession with sex and material objects, ultimately chronic mental illness.
Consider the messages they are beaming directly at us from this position of ubiquitous influence on our images of humans in society.

I am not aware of a single famous person who is a positive influence on the people. Even Mel Gibson and others we’d held hope for have turned out to care more about their own personal selves than the people and society they are a de facto representation of.
Of course, the black celebrities cannot be blamed for their degeneracy, as this comes naturally to them. They should not be punished, but merely deported to Africa. The White cultural icons, however, have betrayed us in the most fundamental and exploitative way, and thus should be dealt with accordingly in a concentration camp.

Their assets should be seized and returned to the people.
It is unfathomable that more people are not outraged with the behavior of these sickening famous people. We are an embarrassment across the world for having sought out the most sick and twisted members of society, and promoted them as heroes.
The scenario needs rectified, and we need to support the establishment of the type of government that would be willing to round up all famous people and make them work until their lesson is learned in a camp. We can perhaps even make a reality show out of it, where the celebrities are mocked instead of celebrated, as they are forced to dig ditches in prison pajamas and eat nothing but potatoes and horse meat.