Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 31, 2015

The Army has announced that all the women who had attempted to graduate from Ranger School have failed to meet the standards. They are, of course, claiming that standards must be lowered to cover their physical inadequacy.
Feminists are the Blacks of the White race – the more you oblige them, the more they demand, and there is no end to it. They are incapable of competing with men, just as Blacks are incapable of competing with Whites, and so they cry foul if you refuse to change the rules to make up for their biological deficiency.
Ranger School, which grooms the Army’s most elite special operations fighting force, opened its doors to women for the first time this year. Eight of the 20 women who originally entered the school’s first co-ed class were allowed to recycle through the program after they fell out in their first go-round. The Friday announcement will confirm that this happened again.
The Rangers are the best of the best, and being a Ranger means passing a physical test that pushes body and mind to the breaking point. If women can’t do it, the argument goes, then they shouldn’t be Rangers.
But there is another opinion quietly being voiced as well: that Ranger School is more akin to a rite of passage – an opportunity for men to “thump their chest,” as one Ranger puts it – than a realistic preparation for leading in war. That women can actually make Ranger units more effective. And that the standards that keep them out are outdated.
It is an opinion, perhaps surprisingly, that comes from two current Rangers.
This is the sort of suggestion that has long been guaranteed to create a robust outcry in many soldierly quarters – one that involves, put most politely, the charge that this would amount to lowering standards in order to meet some goal born of political correctness.
It isn’t a way of thinking likely to gain great traction anytime soon. Gen. Raymond Odierno, the Army’s top officer, made this clear during a breakfast with reporters Thursday. While praising the performance of the women at the Ranger School, he added: “I’m actually fairly adamant about not changing the physical standards.”
But a discussion is percolating.
Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus told the Navy Times this week that once women start attending SEAL training, it would make sense to examine the standards. “First, we’re going to make sure there are standards. Second, that they are gender-neutral, and third, that they have something to do with the job,” he said.
It is increasingly men who are doing the talking about standards because, they say, they’ve trained in the schools, served in the field, and they believe it’s the right thing to do.
“I think it’ll be contentious, but I think it’s equitable and sensible to ask the question about what are the [Ranger School] standards that are only related to the fact that only men have ever done it,” says retired Lt. Gen. David Barno, who served as the top commander of United States forces in Afghanistan, as well as three tours in Army Ranger battalions.
What’s more, “it needs to be a Ranger qualified leader,” he adds, one with “intestinal fortitude” to ask: “What’s the ‘secret sauce’ of Ranger School? How do you not dilute that, but make sure the standards make sense?”
This argument is less about gender equity than the firm belief that women can make Ranger battalions better.
Our entire system is currently in a state of controlled demolition, where the standards of greatness are being continually torn down so that weaker beings may gain power over the strong.
And there is no bottom to this pit. Yes, theoretically, a homosexual African immigrant woman with Down Syndrome becoming President of the United States might seem like the bottom of the pit, but by then there will be some new group which needs propped up to make everything fair.

And even if there is some theoretical bottom to this Marxist pit, we won’t hit it before the whole of society collapses around us as we are overrun by the hordes.

I have said that in the near future, everyone will be either an SJW or a Fascist, but this only applies to the White Western world. There are other systems of other races, and these systems are or will soon become stronger than our own.

The Asians have a racial, masculine system based on logic. The Arabs have a racial, masculine system based on religious ideology. The Latinos have a racial, masculine system, though its basis is admittedly unclear. Even the Blacks have a racial, masculine system, though it doesn’t appear to have any basis in anything beyond “muh dik.”

All of these groups are, all things being equal, superior in power to a White system run by women, homosexuals and foreigners. A system run for the express purpose of destroying itself.
The hyenas are gathering round, waiting for us to stop flailing so they can move in for the kill.
What you are witnessing is the end of Western civilization.